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In a similar way the release of iodine-131 in a serious power reactor accident could be retarded by absorption on [[metal]] surfaces within the nuclear plant. A [[PhD]] [[thesis]][] was written on this subject at The [[Nuclear chemistry]] department[] at [[Chalmers]] University of Technology in [[Sweden]].
In a similar way the release of iodine-131 in a serious power reactor accident could be retarded by absorption on [[metal]] surfaces within the nuclear plant. A [[PhD]] [[thesis]][] was written on this subject at The [[Nuclear chemistry]] department[] at [[Chalmers]] University of Technology in [[Sweden]].

* H. Glänneskog. Interactions of [[Iodine|I]]<sub>2<sub> and [[Methyl iodide|CH]]<sub>3</sub>I with reactive metals under BWR severe-accident conditions, ''Nucl. Engineering and Design'', 2004, '''227''', pages 323-329.
===== Further reading on iodine absorption on metal surfaces =====
* H. Glänneskog. Interactions of [[Iodine|I]]<sub>2</sub> and [[Methyl iodide|CH]]<sub>3</sub>I with reactive metals under BWR severe-accident conditions, ''Nucl. Engineering and Design'', 2004, '''227''', pages 323-329.

* H. Glänneskog. Iodine chemistry under severe accident conditions in a nuclear power reactor, Ph.D. Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, October, 2005.
* H. Glänneskog. Iodine chemistry under severe accident conditions in a nuclear power reactor, Ph.D. Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, October, 2005.

Revision as of 05:41, 22 December 2006

Nuclear chemistry is a subfield of chemistry dealing with radioactivity, nuclear processes and nuclear properties. It may be divided into several main categories:

Early histroy

After the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Röntgen a large number of scientists started to work on ionizing radiation. One such worker was Henri Becquerel who was investigating the relationship between phosphorescence and the blackening of photographic plates. When Becquerel (working in France) discovered that without an external source of energy the uranium was able to generate rays which were able to blacken (or fog) the photographic plate radioactivity was first discovered. Marie Curie (working in Paris) and her husband Pierre Curie isolated two new radioactive elements from uranium ore, they employed radiometric methods to identify which stream the radioactivity was in after each each chemical separation. Their methodology was to separate the uranium ore into each of the different chemical elements known at the time before measureing the radioactivity of each fraction. They would then attempt to separate the radioactive fractions further to isolate a smaller fraction which had a higher specific activity (radioactivity divided by mass). In this way they isolated polonium and radium. Their daughter Irène Joliot-Curie with her husband were the first people to create radioactivity, they bombarded boron with alpha particles to make a proton rich isotope of nitrogen. The proton rich isotope of nitrogen then emitted positrons.[1] In addition they bombarded aluminium and magnesium with neutrons to make new radioisotopes.

Ernest Rutherford working in Canada and England discovered that radioactivity decays according to first order kinetics (half life), he coined the terms alpha, beta and gamma rays. He also converted nitrogen into oxygen and most importantly he supervised the students who did the Geiger-Marsden experiment (gold leaf experiment) where it was shown that the plum pudding model of the atom was wrong.

Main areas


Radiochemistry is the chemistry of radioactive materials, in radiochemistry it is oftein the case that the radioactive isotopes of elements are used to study the properties and chemical reactions of ordinary non radioactive (oftein within radioachemistry the absence of radioactivity leads to a substance being described as being inactive as the isotopes are stable). An example of a biological use of radiochemistry would be the study of DNA using radioactive phosphorus-32.

Radiation chemistry

Radiation chemistry is the study of the chemical effects of radiation on matter, this is very different to radiochemistry as no radioactivity needs to be present in the material which is being chemically changed as a result of the radiation. An example of radiation chemistry would be the conversion of water into hydrogen gas and hydrogen peroxide.

Study of nuclear reactions

A combination of radiochemistry and radiation chemistry is used to assist in the study of nuclear reactions such as fission and fusion — see also nuclear physics. For instance some of the early evidence for nuclear fission was the formation of a shortlived radioisotope of barium { Both Ba-139 (half life 83 minutes) and Ba-140 (half life 12.8 days) are major fission products of uranium} which was isolated from neutron irradated uranium, at the time it was thought that this was a new radium isotope as it was the standard radiochemical practise at the time to use a barium sulphate carrier percipitate as a means of assisting in the isolation of radium.[2] For more details of the original discovery of nuclear fission see the work of Otto Hahn. In more recent times a combination of radiochemical methods and nuclear physics has been used in attempts to create and isolate new super heavy elements, it is thought that islands of relative stability exist where the nuclides present will have half lives of years thus enabling the isolation of weighable amounts of the new elements.

Further reading on the discovery of nuclear fission

Lise Meitner and O.R. Frisch, Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons: a New Type of Nuclear Reaction, Nature, 143, 239-240, (Feb. 11, 1939)[3]

The nuclear fuel cycle

The chemistry associated with any part of the nuclear fuel cycle which includes nuclear reprocessing. The fuel cycle includes all the operations involved with the production of fuel from mining, ore processing, enrichment and fuel production (Front end of the cycle). Also it inlcudes the in pile behaviour (use of the fuel in a reactor) before the back end of the cycle. The back end includes the management of the used nuclear fuel in either a cooling pond or dry storage, before it is either disposed of directly into an underground waste store or it is reprocessed.

The study of the nuclear fuel cycle includes both the study of the behaviour of nuclear materials both under normal conditions and under accident conditions. For example a large amount of work has been done on the interaction between uranium dioxide based fuel and the zirconium alloy tubing used to cover the fuel. In short using use the fuel swells due to thermal expansion and then starts to react with the surface of the zirconium alloy, to form a new layer which contains both fuel and zirconium (from the cladding). Then on the fuel side of this mixed layer is a layer of fuel which is a cesium rich layer which is has a higher cesium to uranium ratio than the bulk of the fuel. This is becuase xenon isotopes are formed as fission products and these diffuse out of the lattice of the fuel into voids such as the narrow gap between fuel and the cladding, after diffusing to these voids it decays to cesium isotopes. Due to the thermal gradient which exists in the fuel during use the volitile fission products tend to be driven from the centre of the pellet to the rim area.

Further reading on fuel cladding interactions

K. Tanaka, K. Maeda, S. Sasaki, Y. Ikusawa and T. Abe, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2006, 357, 58-68.

Absorption of fission products on surfaces

Another important area of work within nuclear chemistry is the study of the interaction of fission products with surfaces. This is thought to control the rate of release and migration of fission products both from waste containers under normal conditions and from power reactors under accident conditions.


It is interesting to note that in common with chromate and molybdate that 99TcO4 anion can react with steel surfaces to form a corrosion resistant layer. In this way these metaloxo anions act as anodic corrosion inhibitors. The formation of 99TcO2 on steel surfaces is one effect which will retard the release of 99Tc from nuclear waste drums and nuclear equipment which has become lost prior to decontamination (eg submarine reactors which have been lost at sea). This 99TcO2 layer renders the steel surface passive, it inhibits the anodic corrosion reaction.


In a similar way the release of iodine-131 in a serious power reactor accident could be retarded by absorption on metal surfaces within the nuclear plant. A PhD thesis[4] was written on this subject at The Nuclear chemistry department[5] at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

Further reading on iodine absorption on metal surfaces
  • H. Glänneskog. Interactions of I2 and CH3I with reactive metals under BWR severe-accident conditions, Nucl. Engineering and Design, 2004, 227, pages 323-329.
  • H. Glänneskog. Iodine chemistry under severe accident conditions in a nuclear power reactor, Ph.D. Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, October, 2005.

A lot of other work on the iodine chemistry which would occur during a bad accident has been done.[6][7][8]

Spinout areas

Some methods which were first developed within nuclear chemistry and physics have become so widly used within chemistry and other physical sciences that they may be best thought of as not being part of normal nuclear chemistry.

Isotopic chemistry

The area of Isotopic chemistry could be included in this subtopic, but due to the use of the isotope effect to investigate chemical mechanisms and the use of cosmogenic isotopes and long lived unstable isotopes in geology it is best to consider much of isotopic chemistry as being separate from nuclear chemistry.

Kinetics (use within mechanistic chemistry)

The mechanisms of chemical reactions can be investigated by observing the effect upon the kinetics of making an isotopic modification of a substrate in a reaction. This is now a standard method in organic chemistry so it best that the isotope effect is considered within the contex of organic chemistry. In short the replacement of normal hydrogens (protons) within a chemical compound with deuterium causes the rate of molecular vibration (C-H, N-H and O-H bonds show this) to decrease, this then can lead to a decrease in the reaction rate if the rate determining step involves the breaking of a bond between hydrogen and another atom, hence if upon replacement of protons for deuteriums the reaction changes in rate it is reasonable to assume that the breaking of the bond to hydrogen is part of the step which determines the rate.

Uses within geology, biology and forensic science

Cosmogenic isotopes are formed by the interaction of cosmic rays with the nucleus of an atom. These can be used for dating purposes and for use as natural tracers. In addition by careful measurement of some ratios of stable isotopes it is possible to obtain new insights into the origin of bullets, ages of ice samples, ages of rocks, and the diet of a person can be identified from a hair or other tissue sample. see Isotope geochemistry and Isotopic signature for further deatils.

Nuclear magnetic resonance


NMR spectroscopy uses the net spin of nuclei in a substances upon energy absorption, and is used to identify molecules. This has now become a standard spectrscopic tool within synthetic chemistry, one of the main uses of NMR is as a means of determining the bond connectivity within an organic molecule.


NMR imaging also uses the net spin of nuclei (commonly protons) as a means of imaging. This is commonly used within medicine becuase it can provide detailed images of the inside or a person without inflicting any radiation dose upon them. Commonly in a medical setting NMR is known as "Magnetic resonance imaging as the word nuclear has such a negative conotation that many persons are fearful of anything nuclear.

Text books

Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry

  • Choppin, Liljenenzin and Rydberg
  • ISBN -0750674636, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002

Description: Very comprenhensive textbook on the subject.

Radioactivity, Ionizing radiation and Nuclear Energy

  • Hála and Navratil
  • ISBN -807302053-X, Konvoj, 2003

Description: Good basic textbook on the subject, ideal for undergrads.