Video game/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Video game.
See also changes related to Video game, or pages that link to Video game or to this page or whose text contains "Video game".

Parent topics

  • Developing Article Game: A structured or semi-structured contrived activity, primarily undertaken for enjoyment or, sometimes, practice. [e]


  • Stub Arcade game: A coin-operated machine that is dedicated to the play of one specific style of game. [e]
  • Developing Article Dreamcast: A sixth generation videogame console released by Sega in 1998 in Japan and 1999 in North America and Europe. [e]
  • Stub Xbox 360: A seventh generation gaming console developed by Microsoft Corporation. [e]
  • Sony PlayStation: A 32-bit console video game system that uses CD-ROM technology to deliver games. [e]
  • Developed Article Nintendo: A leading manufacturer of consumer electronics, especially video games and video game consoles; based in Japan. [e]
  • Stub Sega: Japanese video game and console manufacturer. [e]

Related topics

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