User talk:David E. Volk/Sandbox

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The Chemistry and Particle Physics of CZ

The Chemistry of CZ

The field of chemistry is an ever expanding endeavor, and recent developments in the area of CZ chemistry are especially intriguing. In comparison to tradional chemistry fields, in which elements are generally electropositive or electronegative, metallic and non-metallic, or inert, in CZ chemistry the substituent elements are either prose-positive or prose-negative, and in a manner similar to that of matter and antimatter, the prose-positive elements react with the prose-negative elements in explosive fashion, leading to a pressure wave with blustery hot air and the emission of foam and steam from both elements. By a yet to be determined mechanism, the prose-negative elements reduce the reactivity of the moderately prose-positive CZ elements, transmogrifying them so that 95% of the currently known CZ elements have now become completely inert and show no reactivity whatsoever. Although occassional catalysts have been tried, such as WorkGroups, Article of Week, and Write-a-Thons, once a very productive CZ element has been converted to the inert state, further reactivity is seldom regained.

The Particle Physics of Citizendium

The prose-positive elements react with each other in a very productive fashion, leading to the creation of additional matter, while the prose-negative elements tend to self-associate in small clusters producing CZ-space/time continuem force fields that retard the velocity of the prose-positive elements. The prose-negative elements have one further unique property. Once they precipitate into a cluster of 5-8 particles, their effect on CZ-space/time is such that prose-positive particles are forcibly ejected into a another dimension, so that any communication with the tradional CZ-space/time elements is, in a quantum mechanical sense, strictly forbidden, for a 1-2 week period, depending on the size of the ejecting particle cluster. However, such ejected particles, by use of quantum tunnelling of electrons through Gmail-space/time, can still communicate with the apathetic inert particles and prose-positive particles of similar nature. Being inert, most of the CZ elements fail to use quantum tunnelling to respond. It should be stated, however, that each of the prose-positive/negative interactions slowly saps matter and energy from the inert elements, so that each element becomes more and more inert until all matter is lost and no trace of the once productive elements remains.