User:Robert Thorpe/World Alphabetical Time

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Wouldn't it be convenient to have a world standard time which we could use when communicating across different time zones, without the need for all that adding - or should it be subtracting? With World Alphabetical Time, it would always be the same time everywhere in the world. Television news channels could adopt it, so we would soon get used to it.

There being 24 letters in the alphabet which do not resemble numbers - I and O would not be used - and 24 hours in the day, everyone could learn to apply WAT to their local time. It would end the need for tedious lists of cities with different times.

Since Universal Time (alias UTC or GMT) is used as a sort of default when comparing with other time zones, WAT could be pegged to it, so that A:00 would be 0000 UTC. Thus here in Portugal (as in Britain and Ireland) it is Summer Time 18:49; that's 17:49 UTC, 12:49 CitizenDium Time - and T:49 WAT, wherever I am and wherever you are.

A small way to improve the world, but a real improvement.

Ro Thorpe 12:49, 13 October 2007 (CDT)

What's the time in WAT?

0000 UTC = A:00 WAT = 1900 CDT

0100 GMT = B:00 WAT = 2000 CDT

0200 UTC = C:00 WAT = 2100 CDT

0300 GMT = D:00 WAT = 2200 CDT

0400 UTC = E:00 WAT = 2300 CDT

0500 GMT = F:00 WAT = 0000 CDT

0600 UTC = G:00 WAT = 0100 CDT

0700 GMT = H:00 WAT = 0200 CDT

0800 UTC = J:00 WAT = 0300 CDT

0900 GMT = K:00 WAT = 0400 CDT

1000 UTC = L:00 WAT = 0500 CDT

1100 GMT = M:00 WAT = 0600 CDT

1200 UTC = N:00 WAT = 0700 CDT

1300 GMT = P:00 WAT = 0800 CDT

1400 UTC = Q:00 WAT = 0900 CDT

1500 GMT = R:00 WAT = 1000 CDT

1600 UTC = S:00 WAT = 1100 CDT

1700 GMT = T:00 WAT = 1200 CDT

1800 UTC = U:00 WAT = 1300 CDT

1900 GMT = V:00 WAT = 1400 CDT

2000 UTC = W:00 WAT = 1500 CDT

2100 GMT = X:00 WAT = 1600 CDT

2200 UTC = Y:00 WAT = 1700 CDT

2300 GMT = Z:00 WAT = 1800 CDT