User:Ray Lischner
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Ray Lischner has been programming computers for more years than he can count comfortably, with or without his shoes. After graduating from Caltech in 1984 with a B.S. in computer science, he immediately began work as a corporate rat, dutifully trying to win a mythical race, but never quite succeeding. Eventually, he quit and launched a new career as an author. Among Ray's published works are C++ in a Nutshell and Shakespeare for Dummies. Self-employment suited Ray well, giving him ample time to put his wife through graduate school, care for their children, pick up an M.S. degree (in computer science) from Oregon State University, but also to watch his credit card debt increase until it resembled his account number. So he returned to the salaried work force, and now spends his days happily hacking away for a small software company in Maryland.