User:Paolo Bellavite

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Paolo Bellavite (april, 9, 1952) is medical doctor, haematologist, Professor of General Pathology at Verona University Medical School. He completed a post-doctoral degree in biotechnology from the Cranfield Institute of Technology in Bedford, U.K., and in Biomedical Statistics from Verona University. He is member of International Study group on Very Low Dose Effects and of Association Medicina e Persona. With other colleagues, he founded the "Association "Giovanni Scolaro" for Integrative Medicine" and the "Complementary Medicine Observatory" of Verona Medical School. Dr. Bellavite published widely in medical and scientific journals on inflammation, free radicals, leukocyte biology, and cellular pharmacology:. Up to hundred his papers are cited in N.I.H. PubMed database. He also investigated the scientific bases of homeopathy and the possible integration of the best of complementary therapies in maistream medicine. He lives in Verona, he is married and has three children (Lorenzo, Chiara e Tommaso). Address: Dipartimento di Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche, Ospedale Policlinico, Piazza L.A. Scuro, 37134 Verona, Italy. Tel & FAX: (39) 45 8202978. E-mail: Institutional website : Personal website :

Excerpt of Scientific Publications 1. Bellavite, P., Dri, P., Della Bianca, V. and Serra, M.C. (1983) The measurement of superoxide anion productionby granulocytes in whole blood. A clinical test for the evaluation of phagocyte function and serum opsonic activity. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 13: 363-368. 2. Bellavite, P. (1988) The superoxide-forming enzymatic system of phagocytes (Review). Free Radical Biol. Med. 4: 225-261. 3. Bellavite, P., Bazzoni, F., Scolaro, G., Poli, G., Dusi, S. and Cassatella, M. (1989) Genetic defects of NADPH oxidase activity and activation. Int. J. Immunopathol. Immunopharmacol. 2: 75-86. 4. Bellavite, P., Bazzoni, F., Cassatella, M.A., Hunter, K.J. and Bannister, J.V. (1990) Isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone for a novel serine-rich neutrophil protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 170: 915-922. 5. Bellavite, P., Chirumbolo, S., Signorini, A., Bianchi, I. and Dri, P. (1991) Simultaneous measurement of oxidative metabolism and adhesion of human neutrophils and evaluation of multiple doses of agonists and inhibitors. In: Ultra Low Doses (C. Doutremepuich, ed.) Taylor and Francis Ltd., London, pp. 93-117. 6. Barisoni, D., Bellavite, P., Sorio, A., Bonazzi, M.L., Zermani, R. and Bortolani, A. (1991) Monitoring of elastase in plasma of burned patients in relation to other inflammation parameters. Burns 17: 141- 146. 7. Negri, M., Bellavite, P., Lauciello, C., Guzzo, P. and Zatti, M. (1991) A photometric assay for hydrogen peroxide production by polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Clin. Chim. Acta 199: 305-310. 8. Bellavite, P., Chirumbolo, S., Mansoldo, C., Gandini, G. and Dri, P. (1992) A simultaneous assay for oxidative metabolism and adhesion of human neutrophils. Evidence for correlations and dissociations of the two responses. J. Leukocyte Biol. 51: 329-335. 9. Lippi, U., Schinella, M., Nicoli, M., Bellavite, P. and Lippi, G. (1994) A simple assessment of human neutrophil adhesiveness. Int. J. Clin. Lab. Res. 24: 41-44. 10. Bellavite, P., Andrioli, G., Guzzo, P., Arigliano, P., Chirumbolo, S., Manzato, F. and Santonastaso, C. (1994) A colorimetric method for the measurement of platelet adhesion in microtiter plates. Anal. Biochem. 216: 444-450. 11. Bellavite, P., Guarini, P., Biasi, D., Carletto, A., Trevisan, M.T., Caramaschi, P., Bambara, L.M. and Corrocher, R. (1995) Correlations between the intensity of fMLP-dependent respiratory burst and cellular fatty acid composition in human neutrophils. Brit. J. Haematol. 89: 271-276. 12. Benoni, G., Bellavite, P., Adami, A., Chirumbolo, S., Lippi, G., Bocco, G. and Cuzzolin, L. (1995) Effect of acute exercise on some haematological parameters and neutrophil functions in active and inactive subjects. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 70: 187-191. 13. Carletto, A., Bellavite, P., Guarini, P., Biasi, D., Chirumbolo, S., Caramaschi, P., Bambara, L.M. and Corrocher, R. (1996) Changes in fatty acid composition and oxidative metabolism of human neutrophils migrating into an inflammatory exudate. Inflammation: 20: 123-137. 14. Andrioli, G., Ortolani, R., Fontana, L., Gaino, S., Bellavite, P., Lechi, C., Minuz, P., Manzato, F., Tridente, G. and Lechi, A. (1996) Study of platelet adhesion in patients with uncomplicated hypertension. J. Hypertension 14: 1215-1221. 15. Lussignoli, S., Fraccaroli, M., Andrioli, G., Brocco, G. and Bellavite, P. (1999) A microplate-based colorimetric assay of the total peroxyl-radical trapping capability of human plasma. Anal. Biochem. 10: 38-44. 16. Andrioli, G., Minuz, P., Solero, P., Pincelli, S., Ortolani, R., Lussignoli, S. and Bellavite, P. (2000) Defective platelet response to arachidonic acid and thromboxane A2 in subjects with PlA2 polymorphism of b3 subunit (glycoprotein IIIa) Brit. J. of Haematol. 110: 911-918. 17. Conforti, A., Lussignoli, S., Bertani, S., Ortolani, R., Cuzzolin, L., Benoni, G. and Bellavite, P. (2001) Cytokine and nitric oxide levels in a rat model of immunologic protection from adjuvant-induced arthritis. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 14: 153-160. 18. Bellavite, P. and Signorini, A. (2002) The Emerging Science of Homeopathy. Complexity, Biodynamics, and Nanopharmacology. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA. 19. Semizzi, M., Senna, G., Crivellaro, M., Rapacioli, G., Passalacqua, G., Canonica, W.G. and Bellavite, P. (2002) A double-blind placebo-controlled study on the diagnostic accuracy of an electrodermal test in allergic subjects. Clin. Exp. Allergy 32:928-932, 20. Bellavite, P. (2005) La malattia come disordine dell’informazione e della comunicazione. In: Il dolore e la medicina. Alla ricerca di senso e di cure (P. Bellavite, P. Musso, R. Ortolani eds.) Società Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze, pp. 27-47. 21. Bellavite, P., Conforti, A., Pontarollo, F., Ortolani, R. (2006) Immunology and Homeopathy. 2. Cells of the Immune System and Inflammation. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3(1): 13-24. 22. Bellavite, P., Conforti, A., Pontarollo, F., Ortolani, R. (2006) Immunology and Homeopathy. 3. Experimental studies on animal models. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3(2): 171-186. 23. Bellavite, P., Ortolani, R., Pontarollo, F., Piasere, V., Benato, G., Conforti, A. (2006) Immunology and Homeopathy. 4. Clinical Studies — Part 1. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3 (3): 293-301. 24. Bellavite, P., Ortolani, R., Pontarollo, F., Piasere, V., Benato, G., Conforti, A. (2006) Immunology and Homeopathy. 4. Clinical Studies — Part 2. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3 (4): 397-409. 25. Bellavite, P. (2006) Medicine: therapeutic art and experimental science. Journal of Medicine and the Person 4: 157-162. 26. Conforti, A., Bellavite, P., Bertani, S., Chiarotti, F., Menniti-Ippolito, F., Raschetti, R. (2007) Rat models of acute inflammation: a randomized controlled study on the effects of homeopathic remedies. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2007, 7:1.