User:Omar O. Alamoudi
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Hello, everybody in Citizendium.
My name is Omar O. Alamoudi. I am 33 years old. I have a Master Degree in Computer Science. My area of interest is Image Processing & Document Processing (my thesis was about “Off-Line Human Signature Verification”, 2003).
I used Wikipedia for a while (around 5 years). I like the environment of discussion and group-work (with the presence of work-norms and ethics). I do not like the lousy environment in Wikipedia (where anyone can type or update any subject). Finally, what is the meaning of updating/authoring a subject as anonymous! (What is the use of your IP address to be shown as a reference to your identity)?
I hope Citizendium can fix many of Wikipedia pitfalls and establish a solid, transparence and scientific encyclopedia. All the best