User:Mark Lorenz
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Mark has a batchelor's degree in Computer Science and a master's degree in technical Administration. He has written books on object-oriented software development and served as editor on a webzine as well as a speaker at multiple technical conferences. Mark has 30 years' experience at both large and small companies developing software systems. Technical certifications include XML, SOA, Java, and Web services. In my opinion, it is difficult to be considered an expert in a topic. That said, I would consider myself an expert in:
* Object-oriented analysis and design, including UML * Software system architectures and design patterns, use cases * Java, XML, Eclipse, BIRT, CodePro, MagicDraw * Test-driven development (TDD) and design by contract (DbC)
That's my technical side. On a personal side, I am a father (for 23 years) and husband (for 25 years), with the obligatory house and pets (dogs). As with technology, I have some foci on the personal side:
* FairTax * Global warming * Hybrid vehicles * US policies on immigration, terrorism, the UN * Religious topics: Buddhism, hell
You can read my blogs:
Mark Lorenz on Technology Mark Rants & Raves
and my LinkedIn profile:
Mark Lorenz profile