User:Jurij Kobal
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Jurij Kobal is a director of Oikos, Svetovanje za razvoj Slovenia, and executive manager of the Oikos, Održivi razvoj, d.o.o., Budva, Montenegro. He is expert in project development with strong expertise in aid schemes and in economic cohesion project development. He paid particular attention to project management, evaluation and control. In last few years he managed several international project in Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. One of his first projects was a Preparation of the Guidelines for the implementation of the World Bank loan to the Slovenian environmental fund for the coal to gas transfer, he assisted PricewaterhouseCoopers in the development of Bank procedures for the Environmental Due Diligence Audits.
He is coordinating (monitoring, evaluation and financial control) the Public Transport System for Ljubljana Urban Region and Ljubljana Urban Region Physical Plan co financed from the European regional development fund, while on the staretegic level he developed National Resolution on Priority Projects for the period 2007 – 2023 of the Government of Republic of Slovenia, managed Ex-ante evaluation of the Operational programme for development of human resources 2007-2013, Operational programme for strengthening regional development potential 2007-2013 and operational programme for development of environmental and traffic infrastructure and several others. In Montenegro he has lately finished cooperation in Feasibility study for the District heating system for Municipality of Pljevlja for the EBRD and some years ago cooperated on National Sustainable Development Strategy for Montenegro and the Evaluation of the Capacity for its Implementation with UNDP Podgorica.
Jurij Kobal possessed a great possibility to coordinate people and understand their needs and potential. This gives him more opportunity to understand the background faster and ability focus to key issues more efficient. Jurij will not only finish the project but will understand the project issues and do all necessary to deliver results suitable to the situation in place and make sure that the deliverable will be developed on time scheduled.