User:Hans Mittendorf

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Hans Mittendorf was born in Germany in 1952.

After studying harmony and counterpoint at the University of Göttingen until 1979, he continued his musical studies at the Royal College of Music in Londres.

The Académie de Paris granted him two scholarships that allowed him to deepen his knowledge of composition in both instrumental and electronic music. Then he got closer to the IRCAM and started along cooperation with the Ateliers UPIC (founded by Iannis Xenakis).

In 1991 and 1992, his participation in a workshop of algorithmic composition at the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie) in Karlsruhe (Germany) and in a workshop of computer-generated music at the Technische Universität of Berlin played a major role for his development as a composer.

It allowed him to affirm and intensify his use of time and frequency structures in writing his works.

He has composed some fifteen works ranging from solo to orchestra pieces. Some of them are combined to poetry (e.g. Licht und Schatten with a poem of his own).

Some other works combine instrumental and electronic music, and even choreography; the piece Invisible Worlds -combining the three aspects- was performed during the last Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM 99) in Paris.

Last year he also released a CD entitled Transformation including 9 pieces of totally electronic music.

His research on multidimensional music was the subject of different conferences, notably at the Forums de l'IRCAM and at the Congress of Contemporary Music Klangart in Osnabrück (Germany). Also, at Klangforschung2000, in Munich and at the ‘second international seminar for mathematical music theory’, in Berlin 2001.

It was published in 1995 by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für elekroakustische Musik in Berlin and will be included in the proceedings of the Klangforschung 2000.

Since 1996 he has lived and worked in Caen as an independent composer.

My website: