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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Please note that this page may only be edited by members of the Election Committee and the auditor.
Click here for the election results.

Notice to all Citizens

The Citizendium Council has called an election to fill the position of Managing Editor and to allow referenda on how this project is run.

The election is organised by an Election Committee comprising John Stephenson and Hayford Peirce. The auditor for the election is Pat Palmer.

Voting in one referendum has now closed.

Eligibility to vote

You are eligible to vote if you maintain an unblocked account on this main wiki, as long as it is in your own real name and was created at least 30 days before voting commences (i.e. on or before September 30th, 2016; see the elections procedure).

Voting method

The referendum is being held using BallotBin. This free site allows us to run an election in which all votes are anonymous at every stage. No-one, not even Election Committee members, will see how you chose to vote (but the site does tell the Committee whether you've voted). You don't need an account on BallotBin - all they will receive about you is your e-mail address. Furthermore, the Ballotbin account used for the election will be deleted 90 days after the results are officially announced. For more information, see BallotBin's Frequently Asked Questions for voters and their privacy statement.

Voter registration

Voter registration has closed.


Managing Editor election

No candidates were nominated, so no election will take place.


The timetable for the elections is as follows:

  • Begin accepting nominations, referendum proposals and voter registrations at 00:01 UTC on Sunday, October 16th 2016;
  • Close the period for nominations, nomination acceptances and referendum proposals at midnight UTC on Saturday, October 29th 2016;
  • Begin accepting ballots from eligible voters from 00:01 UTC on Sunday, October 30th 2016;
  • Close voter registration period at midnight UTC on Friday, November 4th 2016;
  • Stop accepting ballots at midnight UTC on Saturday, November 5th 2016 (provisional results available immediately);
  • Ratify and officially publish the results by midnight UTC on Monday, November 7th 2016.

Referendum proposal

There is one referendum to consider in this voting period. Citizens can support or oppose the question by indicating 'Yes' or 'No'. For referenda that propose to modify the Citizendium Charter, a two-thirds majority of valid votes is required under Article 37. Non-Charter referenda require a simple majority of valid votes to pass.

Referendum 1: New governance

This referendum proposes to modify the Charter.

The details of this referendum appear here; comments appear on the Talk page and the forum discussion.


Voting has now closed.


9 voters participated in the election. All votes were valid. 14 Citizens were registered to vote. All applications were valid.


I have audited the results of the referendum and agree with the Election Committee's report.Pat Palmer (talk) 17:01, 7 November 2016 (UTC)

Referendum result

One referendum sought to modify the Charter, so required a two-thirds majority of valid votes to pass. Click here to see the details of the referendum.

Referendum 1 (New governance; two-thirds required)

Response Votes Result
No 0

The Election Committee agreed on the above result and voter count and submitted them to the auditor, Pat Palmer, on November 7th, 2016. The result now awaits ratification.


As Council Member appointed to ratify election results, I hereby do so. The Referendum will take effect one week from today, upon which date the Citizendium Council will dissolve. Anthony.Sebastian (talk) 00:09, 8 November 2016 (UTC)