User:Corentin Brustlein
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I am a French PhD candidate in Political Science at Jean Moulin University of Lyon. I hold a MA in International Security and Defense studies and have been teaching International Relations Theory and International Security Studies respectively for five and three years. My main research focuses on offense-defense theory, military revolutions, and more precisely on the consequences of military innovations and their diffusion on the distribution of power in the 20th century international system.
Recent publications
In peer-reviewed journal(s) :
"Innovation militaire, équilibre de l'offensive et de la défensive et distribution de la puissance" (Military innovation, offense-defense balance and the distribution of power), in Les Champs de Mars, vol. 17 (2nd quarter 2005), pp. 183-211.
In edited volumes :
"Les perceptions en relations internationales. Décrire, classer, expliquer" (with Frédéric Ramel). Forthcoming in an edited volume on international relations' methodologies.
"Concentration et contournement de la puissance dans l'après-guerre froide" (Power concentration and circumvention after the cold war), in Renaud Bellais (Ed.), Economie et défense. Nouvelles frontières entre Etats et marchés, Paris, Descartes & Cie, 2004, pp. 17-43.
"Innovation, émulation et adaptation face à la puissance militaire occidentale" (Innovation, emulation and adaptation to western military power), in Pierre Pascallon (Ed.), Quelles menaces, demain, sur la sécurité de la France ?, Paris, L'Harmattan, Collection "Défense", 2005, pp. 227-237.