User:Christine Bush/Council/Archive1

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.


  • 2014/09/15 I have voted "yes" on proposal to create wiki-based forums. (Not thrilled about the Google Groups provision, but I want to support this motion while it appears to have momentum.)

Work Log

In Progress

Draft white paper regarding problems with current Real Names Policy and outlining how adoption of a Pseudonym-based policy would be both a more inclusive and more effective practice. Discussions at this early stage of investigation are encouraged. Christine Bush 00:50, 16 September 2014 (UTC)



Further edits to Sample Letter to Invitees


Touch base with appropriate user(s) regarding whether the "Special Characters" template is working correctly.

I have suggested a motion regarding the exclusion of work done in the User: namespace from display on the Recent Changes page.Christine Bush 20:47, 8 September 2014 (UTC)

I am crafting text for the motion. Christine Bush 00:32, 16 September 2014 (UTC)



2014/10/20 Contributed an overview of my understanding of How the Modern Web Works in an effort to provide a "real" framework for discussing membership participation. Noted: this approach did not seem to be well received.
2014/10/14 Early research for a draft proposal was editorialized in an apparently preemptive attempt to squash it. My response.
2014/08/19: Notified Managing Editor of how I would prefer to participate in Council Communications.
2014/08/17: Deleted my Forum account.
2014/07-08: Further discussions regarding Temporary Motion
2014/07/25: Comments from Christine Bush re: "Temporary motion to grant appropriate articles locked ‘citable’ status without first achieving approval status"
2014/07/03: Comments from Christine Bush re: invitations to experts to contribute articles in new namespaces.