User:Bernard M. Auriol

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Medicine Doctor, Psychiatrist (UPS - Toulouse - France) and Psychoanalyst (Girep) born 1938 webmaster of the website “Stress, Yoga ans Psychosonics” : Thesis (1970) about "Group Yogatherapy" Interested in musicotherapy Interested to participate at the International Project (French)

After his thesis (1970) about yogatherapy, he became involved in research in altered states of consciousness : yoga, meditation, relaxation, hypnosis, dream and trance.

He studied interactions between sounds and human being, and therapeutic applications of these data, regarding dyslexia, voice training, etc.

He follows the thougths of Freud about existence and hidden manifestation - through the unconscious process - of telepathy. He is interested by the jungian approach as well. With M. Benaïm he performed a theoretical study of the psychoanalytic and micro-sociological data and conditions for a group to be a unity.

He was involved in the critical study of possession phenomenon as well as "exorcism" and problems linked to sleep paralysis, incubus and succubus.

He conducted a group vote-majority experiment (“Agapè Project”). The protocol used a fully automated choice of the targets, displaying them, feedback, duration for answering etc.

He published english-french dictionary of statistics and fundamental texts about the stacking-effect (in fine : bibliography with links)

He is also interested in Word Association Jungian test which was automated by Alexis Champion. It will allow to differentiate "emotional words" versus "neutral words"

OTHER SELECTED PUBLICATIONS With Monique Widmer, Own Death Prediction in an hagiographic classical Corpus (2002)

Meditation : admission to the essential being and desire, Spiritual approach in psychiatry "meditation & psychotherapy", international conference, Lyon, France, March 18-19, (1994)

Les Sciences Cognitives et la Psychanalyse, Séminaire de doctorat, Institut Catholique de Toulouse, 5-7 Janvier 1998; publié dans "Chronique N°4, 1998", Faculté de Philosophie, pp. 113-121. Many publications (books, translated in several languages, papers, etc) can be found on Bernard Auriol’s website and in IndexCopernicus