User:Bernard Haisch

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Bernard Haisch, Ph.D., is an astrophysicist and author of over 130 scientific publications. He served as a scientific editor of the Astrophysical Journal for ten years, and was Principal Investigator on several NASA research projects. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Haisch did postdoctoral research at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. His professional positions include Staff Scientist at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory; Deputy Director of the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics at the University of California, Berkeley; and Visiting Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute fuer Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching, Germany. He was also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration. (Curriculum Vitae)

Haisch Workpage Big Bang

Workgroup(s) (proposed): Astronomy
Reviewed by: Haisch
Article writers:

dark energy

Workgroup(s) (proposed): Astronomy
Reviewed by: Haisch
Article writers:

extrasolar planets

Workgroup(s) (proposed): Astronomy
Reviewed by: Haisch
Article writers: