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Magnetoreception (biology)

A process called magnetoreception enables numerous species of organisms of the animal kingdom, including arthopods and vertebrates, to use Earth’s magnetic field for their survival-dependent physiological ability to orient themselves and navigate in their ecological niche, functional abilities that begin with perception of the direction of the magnetic field locally passing through them.[1] [2]

Few subjects in animal behavior have more exotic mystery than magnetic-field sensitivity. A force we cannot sense, generated by events no one completely understands, creates field lines that pass through our bodies without any evident effect on us or on them. It is an energy felt as much by migrating lobsters on the sea floor as by ocean-crossing birds thousands of meters overhead, transduced in generally poorly understood ways....But for many animals, the reliance is far older and more basic: their life-or-death ability to find their way around in the world depends on correctly interpreting the earth's magnetic field.[1]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Gould JL. (2010) Magnetoreception: A Primer. Curr. Biol. 20(10):R431-R435.
  2. Winklhofer M. (2010) Magnetoreception. J R Soc Interface 7 Suppl 2:S131-S134. Abstract/Full-Text.


  • Foley LE, Gegear RJ, Reppert SM. (2011) Human cryptochrome exhibits light-dependent magnetosensitivity. Nat Commun 2:356. Abstract/Full-Text.
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  • Muheim R. (2011) Behavioural and physiological mechanisms of polarized light sensitivity in birds. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 366:763-71. Abstract/Full-Text.
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  • Cadiou H, McNaughton PA. (2010) Avian magnetite-based magnetoreception: a physiologist's perspective. J R Soc Interface 7 Suppl 2:S193-S205. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • de Oliveira JF, Wajnberg E, Esquivel DM, Weinkauf S, Winklhofer M, Hanzlik M. (2010) Ant antennae: are they sites for magnetoreception? J R Soc Interface 7:143-52. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Diego-Rasilla FJ, Luengo RM, Phillips JB. (2010) Light-dependent magnetic compass in Iberian green frog tadpoles. Naturwissenschaften 97:1077-88. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Falkenberg G, Fleissner G, Schuchardt K et al. (2010) Avian magnetoreception: elaborate iron mineral containing dendrites in the upper beak seem to be a common feature of birds. PLoS One 5:e9231. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Freire R, Birch TE. (2010) Conditioning to magnetic direction in the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos domestica). J Exp Biol 213:3423-6. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Gegear RJ, Foley LE, Casselman A, Reppert SM. (2010) Animal cryptochromes mediate magnetoreception by an unconventional photochemical mechanism. Nature 463:804-7. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Kirschvink JL, Winklhofer M, Walker MM. (2010) Biophysics of magnetic orientation: strengthening the interface between theory and experimental design. J R Soc Interface 7 Suppl 2:S179-S191. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Lau JC, Wagner-Rundell N, Rodgers CT, Green NJ, Hore PJ. (2010) Effects of disorder and motion in a radical pair magnetoreceptor. J R Soc Interface 7 Suppl 2:S257-S264. Abstract/Full-Text.

  • Liedvogel M, Mouritsen H. (2010) Cryptochromes--a potential magnetoreceptor: what do we know and what do we want to know? J R Soc Interface 7 Suppl 2:S147-S162. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Phillips JB, Muheim R, Jorge PE. (2010) A behavioral perspective on the biophysics of the light-dependent magnetic compass: a link between directional and spatial perception? J Exp Biol 213:3247-55. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Phillips JB, Jorge PE, Muheim R. (2010) Light-dependent magnetic compass orientation in amphibians and insects: candidate receptors and candidate molecular mechanisms. J R Soc Interface 7 Suppl 2:S241-S256. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Reppert SM, Gegear RJ, Merlin C. (2010) Navigational mechanisms of migrating monarch butterflies. Trends Neurosci 33:399-406. Abstract/Full-Text.
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  • Stapput K, Gunturkun O, Hoffmann KP, Wiltschko R, Wiltschko W. (2010) Magnetoreception of directional information in birds requires nondegraded vision. Curr Biol 20:1259-62. Abstract/Full-Text.
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  • Vanderstraeten J, Gillis P. (2010) Theoretical evaluation of magnetoreception of power-frequency fields. Bioelectromagnetics 31:371-9. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Wajnberg E, Acosta-Avalos D, Alves OC, de Oliveira JF, Srygley RB, Esquivel DM. (2010) Magnetoreception in eusocial insects: an update. J R Soc Interface 7 Suppl 2:S207-S225. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Wiltschko R, Gehring D, Denzau S, Gunturkun O, Wiltschko W. (2010) Interaction of magnetite-based receptors in the beak with the visual system underlying 'fixed direction' responses in birds. Front Zool 7:24. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Wiltschko W, Dehe L, Stapput K, Thalau P, Wiltschko R. (2010) Magnetoreception in birds: no intensity window in "fixed direction" responses. Naturwissenschaften 97:37-42. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Winklhofer M. (2010) Magnetoreception. J R Soc Interface 7 Suppl 2:S131-S134. Abstract/Full-Text.
  • Zaporozhan V, Ponomarenko A. (2010) Mechanisms of geomagnetic field influence on gene expression using influenza as a model system: basics of physical epidemiology. Int J Environ Res Public Health 7:938-65. Abstract/Full-Text.