User:Alan Kelly
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
( adapted/abridged from unabridged )
Alan Kelly, founder of Verbatim Instant Transcripts in Vermont in 1994 has been a US Navy "ditty-chaser" (Morse Code typist), duty driver, cook, farm hand, house man, and day care worker, in addition to some jobs long forgotten.
He formed the very small enterprise VerbatimIT with a motto "You said it. We VerbatimIT. You read it... today, or sooner." Another motto, as apt, is "In by 3 - Out by 6" implying the fast turn-around service for audio file transcription to readable text.
When he registered the enterprise, he was already proficient and practiced in both Gregg Shorthand and Morse Code as those skills related to language... blah blah blah.
He's been working with microcomputers, mainly as an application word processing specialist since the luggables (KayPro CP/M, Osborne MS-DOS) and dedicated systems (including Lanier No-Problem, Wang, CPI, etc.)
Current interests include: hearing Windows shut down sound, hiking/outdoors, bicycling.