Template:Infobox Disease

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This documentation is transcluded from Template:Infobox Disease/doc (edit | history)

Notes on use

The Infobox Disease templates helps markup standardized links for human diseases. It is based on the same template at WikiPedia and parts of this code are copied from WikiPedia.


  1. OPTIONAL- Name. If not given, the pagename of the article will be used.
  2. OPTIONAL- Image.
  3. OPTIONAL- Caption.
  4. OPTIONAL- ICD9 code. This is obtained by searching http://icd9cm.chrisendres.com/. A search plugin for FireFox, Internet Explorer 7+, and other browsers that use the OpenSearch standard is available at http://medinformatics.uthscsa.edu/searchplugins/.
  5. OPTIONAL- ICD10 code.
  6. OPTIONAL- the OMIM identifier. This is obtained by searching http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=OMIM.
  7. OPTIONAL- the MedlinePlus identifier. This is obtained by searching http://medlineplus.gov/.
  8. OPTIONAL- MeshID. This is the ID number of the MeSH term and is obtained by searching http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html. A search plugin for FireFox, Internet Explorer 7+, and other browsers that use the OpenSearch standard is available at http://medinformatics.uthscsa.edu/searchplugins/.
  9. OPTIONAL- footnote. This may be a legacy parameter and is not recommended for use.


Example from the article Breast cancer:


{{Infobox_Disease |
  Name           = Breast cancer |
  Image          = |
  Caption        = |
  DiseasesDB     = 1598 |
  ICD10          = {{ICD10|C|50||c|50}} |
  ICD9           = {{ICD9|174}}-{{ICD9|175}} |
  MeshID         = D001943|
  OMIM           = 114480 |
  MedlinePlus    = 000913 |


Breast cancer
ICD-10 ICD10 F84.0-F84.1
ICD-9 174


OMIM 114480
MedlinePlus 000913
MeSH D001943