Talk:Melanocortins and appetite
- Jessica Ivy 13:13, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
- Ruth Callaghan 13:14, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
- Cadi M. J. Irvine 13:16, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
- Lisa L Hutchison 16:21, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
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<ref>Person A ''et al.''(2010) The perfect reference for subpart 1 ''J Neuroendocrinol'' 36:36-52</ref> <ref>Author A, Author B (2009) Another perfect reference ''J Neuroendocrinol'' 25:262-9</ref>.
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Reference: Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. Psychopharmacology 191:391–431 PMID 17072591
First time: <ref name=Berridge07>Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. ''Psychopharmacology'' 191:391–431 PMID 17072591 </ref>
Second time:<ref name=Berridge07/>
This will appear like this the first time [5] and like this the second time [5]
- ↑ See the "Writing an Encyclopedia Article" handout for more details.
- ↑ Person A et al. (2010) The perfect reference for subpart 1 J Neuroendocrinol 36:36-52
- ↑ Author A, Author B (2009) Another perfect reference J Neuroendocrinol 25:262-9
- ↑ Johnstone LE et al. (2006)Neuronal activation in the hypothalamus and brainstem during feeding in rats Cell Metab 2006 4:313-21. PMID 17011504
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. Psychopharmacology 191:391–431 PMID 17072591
Hello. here is a link to an article- haven't read it yet but looks like a nice intro to the glamorous world of melanocortins:
[1] article 1
Jessica Ivy 13:49, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
- Jessica, remember to use the Bibliography page for references. Please write the whole ref with author names, year, title, journal, vol, and PubMed link if available.
Nancy Sabatier 17:02, 5 October 2010 (UTC)
Related articles
You'll see that on the Related articles subpage I've placed links to all the articles from the other groups this year - and also to last year's articles. Good luck with this.Gareth Leng 16:01, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
Hi guys, your reference list needs to be developped a bit more, have a look at what the other group have done, it'll give you an idea of how much they already put in. Also, you should start thinking about your introduction and plan for your main article. Nancy Sabatier 16:31, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
The plan looks sensible; you do need to keep a sharp eye out for key experimental studies; I'd suggest that you use the bibliography page to capture key details of experimental studies of particular significance; whether and how you incorporate those in the main article you can decide later. Without more detail and seeing what you're doing I can't give any better feedback at this stage.Gareth Leng 14:29, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
Cadi, if you look at the Mountjoy article (link to it in bibliog) there's quite an interesting bit about the fact that they've not developed specific melanocortin knock out mice. so there are some ideas for future directions etc there. Jessica Ivy 20:29, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
This article is starting to take shape. Good! Though I agree with Nancy that the scope of reading should be increased to encompass original research papers. Watch out for your spelling and make sure you are consistent with terms that might be unfamiliar to the lay reader; AGRP v. AgRP, for example. The latter is more commonly used. John Menzies 12:41, 27 October 2010 (UTC)
One of the important things that you can learn from writing an encyclopedia article is strict attention to detail; you have to be sparing in what you write and strictly accurate. The same things count in exams. For example, look at the following
"The melanocortin system is the name collectively given for;
- Neurons arising in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, and express AgRP,NPY or POMC.
- POMC neurons that project to the brainstem
- Melanocortin receptors, predominately MC3R and MC4R that respond to POMC peptides and AgRP."
Several things here almost right but not quite, or ambiguous so it's not clear that you've got it right or not.
- 'collectively given': what does collectively mean here?
- NPY is not a melanocortin, although it co-exists with AgRP which is an inverse agonist at the MC4 receptor. It's just misleading to mention NPY here.
- POMC neurons that project to the brainstem; well actually the hypothalamus is part of the brainstem, so strictly you probably mean the caudal brainstem, but in fact I here you are talking about the POMC neurones that are in the caudal brainstem rather than those in the arcuate nucleus.
- All melanocortin receptors "respond" to some POMC products - I think here you're suggesting that MC3 and MC4 are the predominant melanocortin receptors in brain - needs a reference I think.
- melanocortin receptors only bind some POMC products - they do not bind opioids for example
- we wouldn't really say that receptors respond to anything - they bind, they are activated by etc
- you haven't actually mentioned alpha MSH here - the key melanocortin.
Gareth Leng 14:08, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
Cadi M. J. Irvine 21:36, 16 November 2010 (UTC) I was wondering why some of my text isn't appearing on the page?
Well done to you all, there's a lot of good work here.
Cardi, I've corrected your text. The reason it didn't appear on the page is because your references weren't typed in correctly and that upset whole paragraphs. Maybe you should spend a couple of min checking again how to enter refs. Also, I've highlighted some refs in bold, these need to be entered using the wiki.
Nancy Sabatier 14:13, 17 November 2010 (UTC)
"NPY is not a melanocortin, yet it acts on the Melanocortin receptors to exert orexigenic effetcs"
No, NPY does not act on melanocortin receptors.Gareth Leng 13:56, 3 December 2010 (UTC)