Talk:1st Infantry Division (U.S.)

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 Definition U.S. Army division, known as the "Big Red One" for its insignia, a bold red 1 on a green shield. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Military and History [Editors asked to check categories]
 Subgroup category:  United States Army
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

Noticed during general clean-up

The first sentence reads:

Known as the "Big Red One" for its insignia, a bold red 1 on a green shield, the 1st Infantry Division is a heavy restructuring of the United States Army division of the United States Army.

Knowing absolutely nothing about the subject, I can't rewrite this, but it needs to be fixed: "the United States Army division of the United States Army"? The Army is a division of itself? And what does it mean to say that an infantry division is "a heavy restructuring"? It makes sense to say the division was heavily restructured, or that it played a key role in the restructuring of the U.S. Army, but it makes no sense to say that it was, itself "a heavy restructuring." Army divisions =/= restructurings; different categories.

Please reword/fix. --Larry Sanger 19:16, 8 March 2009 (UTC)