Proatheris/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Proatheris.
See also changes related to Proatheris, or pages that link to Proatheris or to this page or whose text contains "Proatheris".

Parent topics

Snake (animal) Snake venom Snakebite


Other related topics

Bot-suggested topics

Auto-populated based on Special:WhatLinksHere/Proatheris. Needs checking by a human.

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)

  • Montatheris [r]: Monotypic genus created for a venomous viper species, M. hindii, found only at high altitude on Mount Kenya and the Aberdare mountain range in Kenya. [e]
  • Halobacterium NRC-1 [r]: A microorganism from the Archaea kingdom perfectly suited for life in highly saline environments giving biologists an ideal specimen for genetic studies. [e]