Human brain/Related Articles

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Human brain: The core unit of the central nervous system in our species. [e]

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Parent topics


Other related topics

  • Neurology [r]: The medical specialty concerned with evaluating the nervous system and the other system that it affects, and the treatment of nervous system disorders. [e]
  • Psychiatry [r]: The subfield of health sciences concerned with mental disorders. [e]
  • Psychology [r]: The study of systemic properties of the brain and their relation to behaviour. [e]
  • Speech [r]: An example of language produced using some of the articulatory organs, e.g. the mouth, vocal folds or lungs, or intended for production by these organs; alternatively, the entire act of communicating verbally - what people mean or intend, the words they use, their accent, intonation and so on. [e]
  • Music [r]: The art of structuring time by combining sound and silence into rhythm, harmonies and melodies. [e]