Canadian-American reciprocity/Bibliography

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A list of key readings about Canadian-American reciprocity.
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  • Ankli, Robert E. "The Reciprocity Treaty of 1854," Canadian Journal of Economics, 1971, 4#1 pp 1-20 in JSTOR
  • Ellis L. Ethan. Reciprocity, 1911: A Study of Canadian-American Relations (1939)
  • Gerriets, Marilyn and Gwyn, Julian. "Tariffs, Trade and Reciprocity: Nova Scotia, 1830-1866." Acadiensis 1996 25(2): 62-81. Issn: 0044-5851
  • Mackintosh, W. A. "Reciprocity," The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science Vol. 6, No. 4 (Nov., 1940), pp. 611-620, in JSTOR
  • Masters, Donald C. The Reciprocity Treaty of 1854: Its History, Its Relation to British Colonial and Foreign Policy and to the Development of Canadian Fiscal Autonomy (1937), argues for a positive effect
  • Masters, Donald C. Reciprocity, 1846-1911 (1961)
  • Morton, Desmond. "The Divisive Dream: Reciprocity in 1854." Beaver 2002-03 82(6): 16-21. Issn: 0005-7517 Fulltext: Ebsco
  • Officer, Lawrence H. and Smith, Lawrence B. "The Canadian-American Reciprocity Treaty of 1855 to 1866." Journal of Economic History 1968 28(4): 598-623. Issn: 0022-0507 in Jstor]
  • Saunders, S. A. "Reciprocity Treaty of 1854: A Regional Study," Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, (Feb. 1936) 2:41-43, reports strong positive effects on Canada
  • Shippee, L. B. Canadian-American Relations, 1849-1874 (1939)
  • Tallman, Ronald D. "Reciprocity, 1874: the Failure of Liberal Diplomacy." Ontario History 1973 65(2): 87-105. Issn: 0030-2953
  • Williams, Glen. "Symbols, Economic Logic and Political Conflict in the Canada-U.S.A. Free-trade Negotiations." Queen's Quarterly 1985 92(4): 659-678. Issn: 0033-6041