CZ:Management Council/Appeals/Test Case

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<This is not yet official policy and is meant as a demonstration of a proposal being discussed in the MC. If you have an appeal please be patient and wait for the procedure to be finalized. Thank you.>

Specific Act

Please provide a link to the specific act of the Constabulary that you wish the MC to review.

MC Action

To move the case to the appeals stage, two members of the MC are required to move the case to a hearing.

First MC member: <add signature>

Second MC member: <add signature>


If the MC has decided to hear the case,

Link the subpage for appellant complaint.

Link the subpage for Constabulary defense.

Subpages should include evidence and testimony from participants and witnesses.

Subpages shall not be edited by the opposing members, which means that a constable not party to the case will be in charge of enforcing the rules, including against a constable who is a party to the dispute.


Synopsis of the decision of the MC.

Link the subpage.