CZ:Election July-August 2013

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See this page for the election results and further information on the July-August 2013 Special Election.

Management Council election

Any Citizen in good standing is eligible to fill a Management Council seat. The elected officer will complete a term of office which began on July 1st, 2013, as specified by the Management Council, and ends on June 30th, 2015. In the event that a single 'Citizendium Council' is created by referendum, the term shall expire on June 30th, 2014.

There was one candidate for one seat on the Management Council. This candidate was subject to an approval vote, in which voters specified yes or no to approve or not approve that candidate. To see the candidate list, click here.

Editorial Council election

Any Citizen in good standing is eligible to fill an Editorial Council Author seat. Only Editors may fill an Editorial Council Editor seat. The elected officers will complete the terms of office of the members who vacate their particular seat as specified by the Management Council.

The Editorial Council seats filled by this election were those of:

There were two candidates for the Author seat and two candidates for the Editor seat. Each voter had one vote for each seat. Votes were cast by specifying a single name for each seat on the ballot. To see the candidate list, click here.

In the event that a single 'Citizendium Council' is created by referendum, all terms shall expire on June 30th, 2014.


As the Combined Councils did not nominate a candidate on this occasion, no election for Ombudsman took place.


Citizens proposed referenda on how various aspects of this project are run.

To view the referenda that were proposed, see the referenda proposal text.