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This page was explicitly open for any Citizen (see archived versions), then restricted to the drafting Committee.
It is now open to all Citizens again.

Here follows a review of the stable release as of 09:29, 8 April 2010 of the Citizendium Charter.

For each sentence of the draft, please do one of the following (especially if you have a strong opinion about it):

  1. Sign it if you find the current phrasing (including section structure and titles) satisfactory.
  2. Add a link to a place (e.g. a forum post or CZ user page) in which you discuss why not. Sign.

Note: No discussion on this page. Please use the dedicated Forum thread.

Please do not change the phrasing of the Charter text herein — if something has been changed in the draft itself, please strike out the phrasing here (along with any signatures or links it may have received in the meantime) and add the new one below.

Omissions? (citability/approval, history, credit, feedback) -- see forum --Peter Schmitt 08:57, 11 April 2010 (UTC)
Suggestion: Using a single term Committee/Council/Board would simplify the text if several sections in the Charter. --Peter Schmitt 20:28, 15 April 2010 (UTC)


minor remark -- see forum

The Citizendium is a collaborative effort to collect, structure, and update knowledge and to render it conveniently accessible to the public for free. It is created by volunteers — henceforth Citizens — who contribute under their real names and agree to a social covenant centered around trust.

The following changes



Renamed and combined with the next section. See [1]

Not quite - see forum--Peter Schmitt 23:00, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

  • Citizendium membership is open to anyone.

No. ...said Hayford Peirce (talk) in this forum post

  • All members register and contribute to the project under their real names.
  • The Citizendium community recognizes the special role that subject matter experts play in defining content standards and in assuring that these are being met by the site’s contents.
  • The Citizendium community recognizes the special role that subject matter experts play in defining content standards in their relevant fields and in assuring that these are being met by the site's contents.

No. ...said Hayford Peirce (talk) See here

:Changed as per Hayford's suggestion. --Daniel Mietchen 21:13, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

Not quite what Hayford said ("subject matter")! --Peter Schmitt 22:13, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

Corrected; thanks for checking! --Daniel Mietchen 22:50, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
  • Contributors must act responsibly and in a civil manner — derogatory or offensive commentary is not tolerated.

Citizen participation

Combined with previous section. See [2]

  • All Citizens in good standing — as defined by the Management Committee — shall be entitled to vote.
    Moved see [3]
  • Citizens are given the right to contribute to or modify content of any article draft at any time.
stylistic issues -- see forum --Peter Schmitt 14:28, 30 March 2010 (UTC)

  • Citizens may have their rights to vote or to contribute restricted or entirely removed by the Constabulary as a result of misconduct.[4]

resulted in:

  • Citizendium membership is open to anyone.
  • All members register and contribute to the project under their real names.
  • The Citizendium community recognizes the special role that experts play in defining content standards in their relevant fields and in assuring that these are being met by the site's contents.
  • Contributors must act responsibly and in a civil manner — derogatory or offensive commentary is not tolerated.
  • Citizens are given the right to contribute to or modify content of any article draft at any time.


rewritten to

== Citizens ==
* Participation at the Citizendium shall be restricted to Citizens.
*  Citizenship shall be open to anyone who

:*  meets a few basic conditions as defined by the Management Committee,


:*  meets a few basic conditions as defined by the Management Council,
:*  registers and contributes under his or her real name, and
:*  agrees to the Citizendium's fundamental principles as defined by the Charter.
* Citizens shall contribute freely within the limits of the project's mission.
*  The Citizendium community shall recognize the special role that experts play 
:*  in defining content standards in their relevant fields and 
:*  in assuring that the site's content is reliable and meets high quality standards.
* Citizens shall act responsibly and in a civil manner — derogatory or offensive commentary will not be tolerated.


some stylistic issues -- see forum --Peter Schmitt 15:00, 30 March 2010 (UTC)

  • Editors are Citizens with demonstrated expertise in some field of knowledge, through either education or experience. Official recognition of expertise shall be based on guidelines established by the Editorial Council.
  • Within an editorial scope defined by the Editorial Council, Editors have the right to: (a) make decisions about the scope and quality of the content in articles; (b) make decisions about specific questions or disputes concerning that content; (c) recommend approval of high quality articles that meet their expectations for the article's subject.
  • Editors may abdicate their editorial rights at any time.

not needed because it is without any consequences -- see forum --Peter Schmitt 15:00, 30 March 2010 (UTC)

  • Editors may have their editorial rights removed only by the Editorial Council.

rewritten (suggested)

== Editors ==
* Editors are Citizens whose expertise in some field of knowledge is recognized and formally acknowledged by the community.
* The group of Editors shall have to assure the quality of the Citizendium's content. They shall review and evaluate articles and shall have the right
** to approve high-quality articles that treat their topic adequately,
** to decide in disputes over specific content matters, and
** to remove incorrect or poorly presented content.
* Official recognition of expertise — obtained through either education or experience — and its scope shall be based on guidelines established by the Editorial Council.
* Withdrawal of Editor status shall require a formal decision by the Editorial Council.
  • Editors may abdicate their editorial rights at any time.[7]


needs editing for consistent language -- see forum --Peter Schmitt 18:38, 30 March 2010 (UTC)

  • Citizendium encourages constructive contributions on all topics.
  • All entries at Citizendium should engage their subjects comprehensively, neutrally, and objectively to the greatest degree possible in a well-written narrative, complementing text with other suitable media.
  • Citizendium material is intended for the general public and should be constructed so as to avoid unnecessarily complicated presentation and to maximize accessibility.
  • Specialist material — including original research — is welcome if contextualized through prominent links to entries that provide background information and related non-specialist material.
  • Citizendium is not a place for advocacy, advertisement or sensationalism.

Rewritten as [8]

== Content and style ==
* The Citizendium shall welcome contributions to all fields of knowledge.
* All articles shall treat their subjects comprehensively, neutrally, and objectively to the greatest degree possible 
  in a well-written narrative, complementing text with other suitable material and media.
* All basic material shall be intended for the general public. 
  It shall be presented as clearly as possible, without unnecessary complications, and advanced topics shall be made as accessible as possible.

* Specialist material — including original research — shall be welcome, too. 
  It shall be put into context with background information and non-specialist material.

[9] restriction added as a precaution

* Specialist material — including (within the limits set by the Editorial Council) original research — shall be welcome, too. 
  It shall be put into context with background information and non-specialist material.
* High-quality articles shall be distinguished as approved articles and be kept available permanently as citable references.
* The Citizendium shall remain free of advocacy, advertisement and sensationalism.

  • As far as possible, special requirements of visually or otherwise impaired users and for responsibly exercised automated access shall be taken into account.
  • Exceptionally, Editors and Constables have the authority to intervene at their discretion if article content appears to be inappropriate. This applies in particular if content is inconsistent with criminal or civil law or discriminatory or slanderous against persons or groups of persons, on the basis of religion, religious belief, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender. Such decisions are subject to Citizendium's appeal process.

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk)in this forum post: "Style: the phrase "[t]his applies in particular if content is inconsistent with criminal or civil law..." uses the term "inconsistent" in a strange way. I am not sure what "inconsistent with criminal or civil law" means. I think the notion suggested is of content that "contravenes criminal or civil law"."

No - move or remove -- see forum --Peter Schmitt 18:38, 30 March 2010 (UTC) Moved to Administrative matters. [10]

Organizational structure

General principles

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post: "Organizational structure: Neither the Editorial Council nor the Management Committee has a leader. It appears the position of Editor-in-Chief has been eliminated."

  • The Citizendium is devoted to transparent and fair governance at a minimum of bureaucracy.

Transparency may need a more explicit statement. See forum --Peter Schmitt 19:34, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

  • There shall be two governing boards: An Editorial Council responsible for guiding content and establishing content policy and a Management Committee responsible for matters concerned with the non-content policies of Citizendium.

Change position of this and next statement? see forum --Peter Schmitt 23:12, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

  • All Citizens in good standing and with sufficient experience — as defined by the Management Committee — shall be entitled to hold an office as a member of the Editorial Council or the Management Committee, or as a Constable or Ombudsman.
  • No Citizen may hold two such offices at the same time.
  • All officials shall continue to contribute as Citizens throughout their terms.Moved from "Rules common ..." [11]
  • Further special roles shall not be created without excellent reason.

  • Any definition of a special role shall include provisions for replacement should the incumbent become temporarily or permanently unavailable. Deleted[12]

  • Each board or official may appoint delegates to perform specific tasks for a specific period of time, who will report to it.
  • The responsibility for the actions of a delegate shall always remain with the appointing board or official.
  • All decision processes shall take place in a way that allows every interested Citizen to follow it and support it with feedback. and comment it.[13]

* No decision reached shall contravene this Charter. Moved and modified [14]

Replaced[15] by

== Organization and offices ==
* The Citizendium shall be devoted to transparent and fair governance at a minimum of bureaucracy. 
* It shall be governed by two Councils,
** an Editorial Council and
** a Management Council,
with assistance by
** a Managing Editor,
** a Constabulary, and
** an Ombudsman.

* Any further special rôle shall require an excellent reason.

moved in modified form to Community decisions [16]

* All decision processes shall take place in a way that allows every interested Citizen to follow it and support it with feedback. 

* No decision reached shall contravene this Charter.

extended to [17]

* All officials shall be bound by the Charter, and no decision reached shall contravene it.
=== Official positions ===

* All Citizens in good standing and with sufficient experience — as defined by the Management Committee — shall be elegible for all official positions.

* All Citizens in good standing and with sufficient experience — as defined by the Management Council — shall be elegible for all official positions.
* The term of all offices shall be two years, renewable. The term of any replacement shall end when the original term ends.
* No Citizen shall serve in two offices at the same time.
* All officials shall continue to contribute as Citizens throughout their terms.
* Each Council or official may appoint delegates to perform specific tasks for a specific period of time
* The responsibility for the actions of a delegate shall always remain with the appointing Council or official.
== Community policy ==

Rules common to the Editorial Council and the Management Committee

The board shall

  • have a quorum corresponding to the simple majority of its members.
  • consider any issue brought in front of it by any of its members or by a number of Citizens that meets its quorum.
  • develop guidelines on matters within its scope, and publish and monitor the appropriate enforcement of those guidelines.

This is a rather badly formulated item ("publish the enforcement"?)
More imporant: What is the "scope" of the boards (rights and duties)? See forum --Peter Schmitt 13:17, 10 April 2010 (UTC)
but see also forum. --Peter Schmitt 23:13, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

Rewritten (and expanded) [18]

* The Editorial Council — responsible for content policy — and 

* the Management Council — responsible for policy on all other matters —


* the Management Council — responsible for the community's environment and its technical and economic resources —
: shall each develop guidelines on issues within its scope, as well as monitor and enforce their application.
* The two Councils shall closely cooperate whenever this is necessary or useful.
* The Editorial Council shall, in particular, 
** coordinate and supervise the activities of Editors, and
** encourage and supervise cooperation of Citizens in their effort to create, develop and organize the Citizendium's content.
* The Management Council shall, in particular,
** organize and supervise the activities of Constables,
** take care of technical matters (software and hardware), and 
** administer all financial and legal obligations of the Citizendium.

** It shall also invite and establish collaboration with external partners on any matters relevant to the project's mission.


** It shall also establish and maintain public awareness, and
** invite and establish collaboration with external partners on any matters relevant to the project's mission.

Each Council shall
* have a quorum corresponding to the simple majority of its members, and
* consider any issue brought in front of it by any of its members or by a number of Citizens that meets its quorum.

The board may

  • propose a change of its size by an even number of members — this proposal shall be subject to a referendum held together with the next election. duplicate see [21]

Members of the board shall

  • be elected by secret ballot vote of active Citizens, with two-year renewable terms. duplicate see [22]

*remain active contributors to the project throughout their terms.Moved[23]

Specific rules

No minimum (and maximum) size for boards? see forum --Peter Schmitt 12:53, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

  • In the Editorial Council, a number of seats corresponding to the quorum shall be reserved for Editors.

No (rest for non-Editors) -- see forum --Peter Schmitt 12:53, 10 April 2010 (UTC) replaced explicit mention of non-Editors [24]

* In the Editorial Council, a number of members corresponding to the quorum shall be Editors 
  while the rest of the members shall be Citizens who are not Editors.

  • The Management Committee shall appoint Constables and confer with the constabulary on matters of Constable activity.

Moved to Community decisions (collecting appointments there)

  • The Ombudsman shall be jointly nominated by both boards and confirmed by popular vote, for a term of 2 years, renewable.
"Ratified" may be better than "confirmed". --Daniel Mietchen 22:25, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
or "appointed"? --Peter Schmitt 12:27, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

moved: [25]

Managing Editor

General comment: some material should be moved. And some topics are too detailed. See forum --Peter Schmitt 20:32, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

*A Managing Editor, drawn from the list of Editors, shall be appointed for a period of two years (renewable once) by popular vote. [26]

  • The primary functions of this official are:
  1. To ensure that the aims and policies of Citizendium (including the provisions of this Charter) are effectively and coherently observed, by means of executive decisions taken on an occasional basis
  2. To make provisional policy decisions in the case of policy deficits and where the situation clearly requires a short-term response
  3. To assist the institutions of Citizendium in the development and enactment of policy, as they may request
  4. To represent Citizendium in its relations with external bodies (such as the mass media, academic and non-academic institutions, inter alia), in cooperation with and according to the policies determined by the Boards.

"Doubts": This is a logical function, but may make things difficult. See forum. --Peter Schmitt 23:49, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

adapted in style and rewritten to include other statements more concisely [27]

* The Managing Editor shall ensure — by means of executive decisions — 
  that the principles and policies of the Citizendium are effectively and coherently observed.
* Such decisions shall only be made when formal decisions cannot be obtained in time 
  and shall always be based on established policy unless required in the case of a policy deficit.
  They may be overruled by the appropriate Council.
* The Managing Editor shall represent the Citizendium in its relations with external bodies, 
  such as, for instance, the mass media, and academic or non-academic institutions.
* The Managing Editor shall operate in close contact and in agreement with all institutions of the Citizendium and assist them in their work.

Selection and election mechanism

This should be where other nominations and elections are treated. --Peter Schmitt 23:26, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

Moved to Community decisions. See [28] --Peter Schmitt 00:15, 23 May 2010 (UTC)

Deputy Managing Editor

No, not needed because included in "General principles" (delegates). --Peter Schmitt 20:45, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
  • If desired, the Managing Editor may nominate a deputy to serve in case of absence, illness or to attend to specific duties that fall within the mandate of the Managing Editor post.
  • The deputy is accountable to the Managing Editor personally, but the appointment can be terminated by the Managing Editor or the two committees, as specified below.

Deletion suggested [29] (duplication)

Modus operandi

In the pursuit of duties, as defined above, the Managing Editor shall observe the following principles:

  1. Decisions on content should be made, wherever possible, by Editors with appropriate expertise
  2. Executive and policy decisions should normally be undertaken in consultation with the Editorial Council and Management Committee; exceptions can be justified on the grounds of emergency need and trivial matters that nevertheless require response
  3. Matters of external relations involving policy development should be undertaken after consultation of the appropriate Citizendium bodies — i.e. the Editorial Council, the Management Committee, the Constabulary and the Ombudsman — according to the issues under discussion. Contact with the press should not normally require such prior consultation, as long as policy exists on the matter at hand.

Deletion suggested (merged with main section) [30]

Limitations of power

This is already implied by governance rules (or can be inserted where). --Peter Schmitt 23:29, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
  • Actions of the Managing Editor are subject to review by the Constabulary (for personal conduct) and by the Ombudsman (for professional conduct).
  • Decisions made by the Managing Editor will ultimately be subject to review by the Editorial Council and/or the Management Committee, according to their specific competencies.
  • The committees may choose to endorse or revoke such decisions, amending formal CZ policy accordingly.
  • Appeal against any ruling of the Managing Editor may be made by persons with 'legal standing' in the matter, directly to either or both of the Editorial Council and Management Committee.

Deletion suggested [31]

  • Moved to Community decisions. See [32]
Treat together with other recall rules. --Peter Schmitt 23:30, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

Behavior and dispute resolution


See forum--Peter Schmitt 16:08, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

  • The Constabulary shall be charged with upholding the Citizendium's rules of behavior as determined by community policy, covering all Citizens including those with official positions.
  • The Constabulary's authority is restricted to matters of behavior and they shall not intervene in matters of content.
  • The enforcement of these rules is to be carried out with reasonable pragmatism and leniency without prejudice as to Citizen status or position and only in those situations where the applicability of existing rules is clear.

... or in case of imminent danger. --Peter Schmitt 15:52, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

  • The tools available to the Constabulary shall be defined by the Management Committee and include, as an ultimate resort, the banning of users.
  • The Constabulary may develop additional tools and shall publish and monitor the appropriate use of said tools and report on it to the Management Committee.

... merge two items --Peter Schmitt 15:52, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

  • Decisions of constables may be appealed through the appropriate adjudication process as determined by the Management Committee.

No ... no separate dispute resolution --Peter Schmitt 15:52, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

  • The Constabulary shall enforce the Citizendium's rules of behavior as determined by community policy, covering equally all Citizens including those with official positions.
  • Constables shall only intervene in matters of behavior but not in matters of content.
  • Constables shall act with reasonable pragmatism and leniency, and only in those situations where this is clearly covered by existing rules.

  • If necessary, Constables may restrict the rights of a Citizen, with banning from the project as the ultimate resort.

Replaced [33] by

* If all other means to settle a case fail, a destructively acting Citizen shall — as the ultimate resort — be banned from the project.


No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk)in this forum post: "While I have no intrinsic objections to the role of Ombudsman, in the absense of an organizational leader or leaders of either the Editorial Council and Management Committee, there is a distinct danger that the Ombudsman will become the defacto leader of Citizendium. While the charter makes it clear that the Ombudsman's authority is subservient to both the Editorial Council and Management Committee, there is a significant probability that both will abdicate their responsibilities due to boredom or lack of interest and thereby invest substantial authority in the Ombudsman position. Since the role of Ombudsman exists to facilitate non-binding arbitration, elevation of this position to a defacto organizational leader would drastically pervert the charter's intention. This is yet another reason to reinstate in the charter the position of Editor-in-Chief." Also: "Ombudsmen and Dispute resolution: The section that addresses the role of Ombudsman reads as if there is exactly one such principal. However, the dispute resolution section reads as if there may be many. This discrepency requires resolution."

See forum --Peter Schmitt 00:32, 26 March 2010 (UTC)

  • An Ombudsman shall be appointed, charged with the task of assisting in dispute resolution, as laid down in this Charter.
  • The role of Ombudsman shall be vested in a Citizen with substantial Citizendium experience and widely respected judgment, who may appoint up to two other Citizens (Assistant Ombudsmen) to support his/her work; their appointment and termination of duties is at the personal discretion of the Ombudsman. Replaced by (see [34])
  • A Citizen with substantial experience and widely respected judgment shall be entrusted with the rôle of Ombudsman in order to assist in dispute resolution.
  • The Ombudsman shall be elected by simple majority vote of each of the Editorial Council and Management Council, for a term of 2 years, renewable. (no longer current)

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post

Some reservations --Peter Schmitt 00:25, 26 March 2010 (UTC)

  • An Ombudsman may be recalled by a super-majority (75%) of each of the Editorial Council and Management Committee. (no longer current)

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post

No --Peter Schmitt 00:25, 26 March 2010 (UTC)

Dispute resolution

See forum --Peter Schmitt 23:06, 25 March 2010 (UTC) / See also suggestions in forum --Peter Schmitt 12:32, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

  • Disputes shall be settled at the lowest possible level, such as by bringing in peer Editors or Constables.
  • If satisfactory resolution is not obtained, the Ombudsman may be contacted for non-binding mediation. Should that fail, the matter shall be appealed to the appropriate body — the Editorial Council for content matters and the Management Committee for behavioral or administrative matters. As a last resort, both Councils may appoint members to an ad hoc arbitration panel, for final arbitration as defined below.
  • In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved at a level below that of the Editorial Council or the Management Committee, appeals boards may be constituted on an ad hoc basis. The ad hoc appeals board shall consist of three members nominated by the Editorial Council and three members nominated by the Management Committee, who shall not have been involved in the specific dispute. An Ombudsman shall preside; that official shall direct the Board and shall be non-voting other than to possess a tie-breaking vote. Should no Ombudsman be available who is not a party to the matter, the Councils shall appoint a special presider from the Citizenry.

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post: "Dispute resolution: Since the Ombudsman will have been involved in a dispute before it is elevated to action by either the Editorial Council or Management Committee, he/she should not preside when the matter is brought before either of these organizations. The EC or the MC should appoint a presiding member in this unlikely circumstance. The Ombudsman will have been tainted by previous actions and it is unlikely he/she could act as an impartial presider."

No -- because partially unclear --Peter Schmitt 22:51, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

  • All decisions of the ad hoc appeals board are final. Further, either the Management Committee or the Editorial Council may decline to participate in an ad hoc appeal, in which case the decision of the last appeal shall be final.
  • The dispute resolution shall take place in a way that allows every interested Citizen to follow the entire process.Moved[35] In exceptional cases, part of the process can be restricted to a smaller audience. These exceptions require public justification by the Ombudsman, which may be contested by any member of the Management Committee or the Editorial Council that is not involved in the dispute.

This -- and also the next item -- should be made a general principle. See forum --Peter Schmitt 19:37, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

  • No decision reached in the course of dispute resolution shall contravene this Charter.Moved[36]


  • Whenever possible, disputes shall be settled informally at the lowest possible level.


  • Whenever possible, disputes — between Citzens as well as between a Citizen and an official —[39] shall be settled informally at the lowest possible level.
  • Any party involved in a dispute may contact the Ombudsman for non-binding mediation.
  • Appeals against formal decisions shall be possible, and any appeal supported as required by the Management Council shall have to be considered. [40]
  • When a formal decision is necessary or demanded, the Ombudsman shall present the issue to the appropriate body.
  • In case of an appeal against a formal decision an Appeals Board shall be formed. It shall consist of previously not directly involved Citizens:
    • three members nominated by the Editorial Council,
    • three members nominated by the Management CommitteeCouncil, and
    • a non-voting, but tie-breaking chair nominated by the Ombudsman.
  • The decision of the Appeals Board shall be final.
  • While the principle of public decision processes applies, in exceptional cases, part of a dispute resolution process may be restricted to a smaller audience.
  • Such an exception shall require public justification by the Ombudsman, and may be contested by any official who is not involved in the dispute.[41]

Community decisions

  • Elections and referenda shall be organized by the Managing CommitteeCouncil and carried out by the Constabulary.
  • Sufficient time shall be provided for nominations and for discussions of the issues brought about during the nomination period.
  • All Citizens in good standing — as defined by the Management CommitteeCouncil — shall be entitled to vote.
    Moved here, see[42]

Referenda and amendments

  • Citizens may demand that contested rules or guidelines are submitted to a referendum.
  • A referendum may be initiated by a group of Citizens corresponding in size to the sum of the quorums of the Editorial Council and the Management Committee two Councils.
  • A referendum shall be decided by simple majority of the votes validly cast.
  • Any amendment to and any change of this Charter shall require a referendum and shall be ratified if accepted by a qualified majority of two thirds of the votes validly cast.

  • Any further special rôle shall require an excellent reason. Moved from Organizational structure

  • Any definition of a special role shall include provisions for replacement should the incumbent become temporarily or permanently unavailable. [43] (and moved from Organizational structure)

Modified [44] to:

* Creating any further office or special rôle shall require an excellent reason and a referendum.
  • Any change of the license shall require a referendum.Moved here: [45]

Editorial Council and Managing Committee

=== Editorial Council and Managing Council ===
  • Each year, half the members of the Editorial Council and the Management Committee two Councils shall be elected for a two-year renewable term[46].
    Expanded to completely replace duplicate, see [47]
  • For newly elected members, the term of office shall begin on first of January for the Editorial Council, and on first of July for the Management CommitteeCouncil.

  • Any Citizen may nominate one or more candidates for a boardCouncil.

Ambiguous? see forum --Peter Schmitt 08:58, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

  • A nominated Citizen whose nomination is supported by another Citizen becomes a candidate by accepting the nomination and thus declaring the intention to serve for the whole term.

modified according forum comments [48]

*Any Citizen may nominate and support one or more candidates for a Council.
*A Citizen who is supported by another Citizen becomes a candidate by declaring the intention to serve for the whole term.
  • Any Citizen accepting a nomination shall retreat immediately from any involvement in the election's organization.
  • The candidates collecting the most votes shall be elected.
  • One to three runners-up may serve as reserve members.
  • A boardCouncil member who becomes inactive or unavailable, shall be replaced by a reserve member, if available; otherwise, the an interim replacement shall be appointed by the boardCouncil concerned.
  • Any boardCouncil may propose a change of its size by an even number of members; this proposal shall be subject to a referendum held together with the next election.
    was duplicated see [49]

Managing Editor

  • The Management Committee will compile a list of suitable candidates from popular nominations by Citizens two months prior to the end of the incumbent's tenure or two weeks after announcement of an early termination.
  • The list of candidates shall not exceed four persons; all Citizens may vote; the appointment will be made by simple majority of validly cast votes.

replaced by

  • The Managing Editor shall be elected by simple majority for a two-year renewable term.[50]
  • For this election, up to four candidates shall be selected by the Management CommitteeCouncil, taken from a list of Editors nominated by the community.
=== Constables ===
  • Constables shall be appointed by the Management Council Moved from MC section [51]
=== Ombudsman === 
  • The Ombudsman shall be jointly nominated by both the Combined BoardsCouncils and appointed by popular vote, for a term of 2 years, renewable.[52] Moved [53] and slightly edited.

Removal from office

  • An official who seriously neglects the office may be recalled by the Combined Board, with exception of an Ombudsman, whose recall shall require a qualified majority of two thirds in a referendum.
  • In extremis, where both the committees are of the view that the Managing Editor (or the deputy) has not carried out his/her duties adequately, by decision of a simple majority of votes in both committees in quorum, the appointment will be terminated and new elections arranged for this post.

replaced by

  • An official who seriously neglects the office may be recalled by the Combined BoardCouncils, with exception of
    • the Managing Editor, who shall be recalled if both BoardsCouncils demand it (separately), and
    • the Ombudsman, whose recall shall require a qualified majority of two thirds in a referendum.

Inserted new section title Administrative matters. See forum --Peter Schmitt 13:36, 18 May 2010 (UTC)

Added [54] (mentioned in interim guidance)

  • Interested observers of the Citizendium shall have a convenient method to send in comments and provide feedback.

moved from "Style" [55]

  • As far as possible, special requirements of visually or otherwise impaired users and for responsibly exercised automated access shall be taken into account.

  • Exceptionally, Editors and Constables have the authority to intervene at their discretion if article content appears to be inappropriate. This applies in particular if content is inconsistent with criminal or civil law or discriminatory or slanderous against persons or groups of persons, on the basis of religion, religious belief, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender. Such decisions are subject to Citizendium's appeal process.

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk)in this forum post: "Style: the phrase "[t]his applies in particular if content is inconsistent with criminal or civil law..." uses the term "inconsistent" in a strange way. I am not sure what "inconsistent with criminal or civil law" means. I think the notion suggested is of content that "contravenes criminal or civil law"." Replaced (delete?) [56] by

* The Managing Editor shall intervene against article content that is inappropriate, in particular, if content 
** violates criminal or civil law or 
** is discriminatory or slanderous against persons or groups of persons, 
   on the basis of religion, religious belief, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender.

Is a precaution like the following needed? [57]

* Violations of the Charter shall only be tolerated when forced by external laws.

External partners

  • The Citizendium invites collaboration with non-Citizen partners on any matters relevant to the project's mission.
  • The Management Committee shall oversee these activities, collaborating with the Editorial Council on matters of content.

Moved (merged with MC description) [58]


Perhaps a little vague - see forum --Peter Schmitt 22:29, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

  • All content at the Citizendium shall always be free.

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post: Legally, content at the Citizendium is freely licensed, not free.

  • Content originating at the Citizendium shall also be free to reuse and redistribute.

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post: "the sentence "Content originating at the Citizendium will also be free to reuse and redistribute" scans better as "Content originating at the Citizendium will be free to reuse and redistribute""

  • Reusable content that originated elsewhere may be incorporated into the Citizendium.


  • All content at the Citizendium shall always be freely accessible.
  • All main space content created at the Citizendium shall always be free to use and reuse.
  • For selected content — e.g., such as imported material (in particular: pictures) — use and reuse may be subject to individual restrictions.
  • Some forms of use and reuse — e.g., such as by competing projects or for advertising — may be subject to individual restrictions.[60]

* Any change of the license shall require a referendum. Moved [61]

Added [62] according suggestion in "proposed changes":

* The Citizendium shall — as a document of its development and the work of its Citizens —
  permanently preserve the edit history of all contributions, including those of talk and user pages.
* No individual credit for contributions shall be expected.

Legal status

  • The Citizendium shall be owned and controlled by the Citizendium Foundation, a non-profit organization.

Perhaps a little more explicit? see forum --Peter Schmitt 22:31, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Time and date

  • Unless otherwise specified, all announcements concerning times and dates shall be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Deletion suggested [63]


  • The official language of the Citizendium shall be English.

  • Branches in other languages require approval by the Management CommitteeCouncil and have to accept the spirit and the fundamental principles of the Citizendium as defined by an approved translation of this Charter.
  • The branches shall establish a close collaboration with each other on all issues, both of content and administration.

rewritten [64] to

* Branches of the Citizendium in other languages shall have the same mission and be based on the same principles as defined by this Charter. 
  They shall require approval by the Management Council.
* All branches shall establish a close collaboration with each other on all issues, both of content and administration.

Final clause

Renamed: to Appendix: Ratification and transition


This appendix defines the ratification process for this Charter and the transition to its implementation.
It does not belong to the Charter proper and shall be removed after the transition has been performed.

see [65]

This "final clause" deals with matters of transition and thereby should not be part of the Charter. (Better title: Transition (rules) -- to be removed when fulfilled.) --Peter Schmitt 23:55, 22 March 2010 (UTC) forum (done)

=== (Transition Manager) ===

(Suggested in: [66])

* The community shall informally agree on a Citizen 

  who is charged with organizing the ratification process and the initial elections until the boards are installed.

  who is charged with organizing the ratification process and the initial elections until the Councils are installed.

Changed order of topics. See [67].


No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post: "I would welcome someone explaining to me what certification by the Editor-in-chief achieves given the current formulation that the charter comes into force the day after ratification. What happens if the Editor-in-chief fails to certify the result? As far as I can see, absolutely nothing. Such pro-forma actions might have some value if a pagent or some other ceremony accompanied the installation of the charter, but no such activity is specified. I restate my position that the charter should come into effect upon certification by the Editor-in-chief, not the day after ratification. This achieves an orderly hand-over of responsibility that formalizes the new rules of governance."

  • If this Charter has been ratified by two thirds or more of the votes validly cast in a referendum for this purpose, it shall be certified by the Editor-in-Chief within a week after the closing of the referendum.
  • For future amendments, a certifying official or officials shall be agreed upon by the joint Management Committee and Editorial Council.

Entry into force

  • This Charter shall enter into force on the day following ratification.

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post

Rewritten to (see [68]):

===Voting rights===

*For the purpose of the ratification of this Charter and the initial elections to the Editorial Council and the Management Committee, 

*For the purpose of the ratification of this Charter and the initial elections to the Councils, 
 all Citizens with an account that is not blocked shall have the right to vote. 
* This Charter shall be ratified if accepted by two thirds or more of the votes validly cast in a referendum for this purpose.
* The Charter shall enter into force on the day following its ratification.
* The Editor-in-Chief shall officially certify the ratified Charter within a week after the closing of the referendum. 
  This act ends his term of office.

Future amendments

Section removed Reason: duplication --Peter Schmitt 23:27, 17 May 2010 (UTC) This topic has been moved to the section on #Community decisions. It is no longer needed --Peter Schmitt 12:41, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

  • This Charter shall be open to amendment at any time subsequent to its ratification.

Amendment belongs into the Charter --Peter Schmitt 23:52, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

  • The Management Council is hereby vested with the power to act upon proposals for amendment originating from any Citizen or Citizendium institution.

not really needed -- maybe "interim" --Peter Schmitt 23:52, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

  • The process of Amendment requires the Management Council initially to consult with Citizens (including via the Forum) and subsequently to draft an appropriate amended text.

not really needed -- maybe "interim" --Peter Schmitt 23:52, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

  • The decision to accept the amended text shall be taken by popular vote of the Citizenry, and requires a two-thirds majority of votes validly cast.

This belongs into the Charter --Peter Schmitt 23:52, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

=== License ===
* The Citizendium adopts CC-by-sa 3.0 Unported (original source) 
  as the license for its own     original collaborative content.

Added [69]

Addendum: Interim guidance for the transition period

Moved to subsection of Appendix [70]

  • As long as the administrative prerequisites for implementing the charterCharter are not entirely fulfilled, the rules listed in this section shall provide interim guidance to the Editorial Council, Management Council, and other bodies.
  • Such material may be modified by those bodies by their normal procedures, without a full Charter amendment.

Elections to the Editorial Council and Management Committee

=== Elections to Councils ===
This also needs to mention the ME (and a "Transition Manager"?). See forum. --Peter Schmitt 20:38, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
  • The first election shall take place as soon as possible after the Charter has been ratified.
  • The initial size of the Editorial Council shall be 7 members, that of the Management CommitteeCouncil 5 members.
  • A number of members corresponding to the quorum shall be selected, by lot or personal agreement, to serve shortened terms until the next regular election that is at least half a year after the initial election.

In order to avoid problems with duplicate nominations: Elections should take place one after the other. --Peter Schmitt 20:32, 15 April 2010 (UTC)

===Voting rights===

  • For the purpose of ratification of this charter and elections to the Editorial Council and the Management Committee, all Citizens with an account that is not blocked shall be considered as being in good standing.

Moved (modified) see [71]

Review of previous policies

  • The Editorial Council and the Management CommitteeCouncils shall review all existing policies and vote on each of them which falls under their realm, in view of complementing the general guidelines in this charter with an evolving set of specific policy guidelines.
  • The Editorial Council shall review the current list of Editors. Added per forum suggestion [72]
  • The Management Council shall review
    • privacy policies, including access by search engines, and
    • policy on licensing and republication of user and talk pages. (as suggested in "proposed changes" [73])


  • Constabulary tools include: advice and instruction on wiki or through Citizen email, removal of offensive text, and warning and banning of users.


  • The Management CommitteeCouncil shall elaborate a strategy and policy on handling the establishment of branches in languages other than English.


  • The Management CommitteeCouncil shall elaborate a strategy and policy on handling the legal, financial, and technical operations necessary for the project to fulfill its mission.

External partnerships

The Management CommitteeCouncil shall develop and implement at its earliest convenience a policy for

  • interested external observers to provide feedback on Citizendium content in a manner convenient for them and the project.

The "right" to feedback should be stated in the Charter --Peter Schmitt 23:49, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

  • collaboration with external partners, paying particular attention to fostering the collaboration with instructors by way of Eduzendium, and with external experts or professional organizations for the purposes of providing or reviewing content at the Citizendium.

Research and teaching

  • The Editorial Council shall elaborate a strategy and policy on incorporation of teaching and research into the Citizendium.
  • Research results that have not been formally published should be clearly labeled as such. So should articles that have been part of student coursework.

Registration of new Editors

To streamline the CZ:Editor Application Review Procedure, applications for Editorship shall be processed in two consecutive steps:

  • An applicant shall be registered as an Author, so s/he can immediately start editing.

No. ...said Dan Nessett (talk) in this forum post

editing -> contributing --Peter Schmitt 23:44, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

Yes. --Daniel Mietchen 22:33, 8 April 2010 (UTC)

  • All verified Editor applicants shall initially be registered as AuthorsCitizens, enabling them to start contributing while the application is being reviewed.
  • The application for Editorship shall be reviewed by the Editorial Personnel Administrators (to be appointed by the Editorial Council) who shall strive to make a decision within one week.


  • Within a month after the entry into force of this charter, all existing pseudonym accounts shall be closed by the Constabulary, and the respective user pages protected.
  • The Citizens concerned may reapply under their real name.

Moved here from the Draft page:

Proposed changes

In this section, members of the Drafting Committee may suggest changes to the draft, taking into account feedback received during the consultation phase. Any of these changes can be implemented by any member of the Committee, provided that at least two other Committee members have expressed consent here or in the internal email. Possible disputes resulting from this procedure will be resolved via email.

I agree. --Daniel Mietchen 23:02, 8 March 2010 (UTC)
  • Include a statement about privacy of contributions made to public parts of the site. --Daniel Mietchen 08:29, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
Further details in this forum thread. --Daniel Mietchen 08:58, 2 May 2010 (UTC)

See [74] and [75]

  • Check remaining points at CZ:Charter drafting/Feedback. --Daniel Mietchen 08:29, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
  • Once we have agreed on a final text, what about adding some wikilinks? They could either point to the main namespace if the term is used in its usual way, or to a dedicated page in the CZ namespace when it has a CZ-specific meaning. --Daniel Mietchen 22:57, 15 April 2010 (UTC)
Forum discussion on this. --Daniel Mietchen 19:16, 7 May 2010 (UTC)