Authorized Version/Bibliography
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Complete texts (including Apocrypha). In each textual family books in print are listed first, followed by internet versions.
- 1611 textual family
- photographic replica: [1]
- The Authorised Version of the English Bible 1611, 5 volumes (available separately), Cambridge University Press, originally published 1909, transcribed from an original copy, corrected from two others: [2]
- 400th-anniversary edition (source(s) unspecified), Oxford University Press: [3]; this edition carefully preserves the original misprints, including upside-down letters
- Hendrickson 400th-anniversary edition: [4]
- Nelson 400th-anniversary edition: [5], [6]
- searchable online transcript from unspecified source(s): [7]
- images of original copy: [8]
- images of copy of 2nd printing: [9]
- 1769 textual family
- Cambridge text: [10], [11]; as Cambridge holds the licence as King's Printer of Bibles for England this might be considered the "official" Church of England text
- Oxford World's Classics edition, omits marginal notes: [12]
- Norton critical edition: [13]; includes notes on archaic words and meanings; Cambridge text
- searchable online Oxford text: [14]
- 1873 textual family
- Cambridge Paragraph Bible: [15]
- 2005 textual family
- unspecified
The number of editions without Apocrypha is enormous. Nearly all belong to the 1769 textual family.
- Harold Bloom, The Shadow of a Great Rock: a Literary Appreciation of the King James Bible, Yale University Press, 2011
- Benson Bobrick: The Making of the English Bible, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2001
- Melvyn Bragg: The Book of Books: the Radical Impact of the King James Bible 1611–2011, Hodder & Stoughton, 2011
- David G. Burke, John F. Kutsko, & Philip H. Towner (eds), The King James Version at 400: Assessing Its Genius As Bible Translation and Its Literary Influence, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2013: [22]
- Gordon Campbell: Bible: the Story of the King James Version 1611–2011, Oxford University Press, 2010
- David Crystal: Begat: the King James Bible and the English Language, 978-0-19-958585-4, Oxford University Press, 2010
- Hannibal Hamlin & Norman W. Jones (eds): The King James Bible after 400 Years: Literary, Linguistic, and Cultural Influences, Cambridge University Press, 2010
- David Lyle Jeffrey (ed), The King James Bible and the World It Made, Baylor University Press, Waco, 2011
- Alister McGrath: In the Beginning: the Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language and a Culture, Hodder & Stoughton, 2001
- Helen Moore & Julian Reid, eds: Manifold Greatness: the Making of the King James Bible, Bodleian Library, 2011
- Adam Nicolson: Power and Glory: Jacobean England and the Making of the King James Bible/God's Secretaries: the Making of the King James Bible/When God Spoke English: the Making of the King James Bible, Harper, 2003 [variant titles in different editions]
- David Norton:
- The Textual History of the King James Bible, Cambridge University Press, 2005
- The King James Bible: a Short History from Tyndale to Today, Cambridge University Press, 2011
- Gustavus S. Paine, The Learned Men, 1959; reissued as The Men behind the King James Version, Baker, 1977
- F.H.A. Scrivener, The Authorized Version of the English Bible (1611): Its Subsequent Reprints and Modern Representations, Cambridge University Press, 1884 (still in print)
- Philip C. Stine, Four Hundred Years on the Best Seller List, [23] (Kindle)
- Derek Wilson, The People's Bible: the Remarkable History of the King James Version, Lion, 2010