Talk:Software engineering

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Article Checklist for "Software engineering"
Workgroup category or categories Computers Workgroup [Editors asked to check categories]
Article status Developing article: beyond a stub, but incomplete
Underlinked article? No
Basic cleanup done? Yes
Checklist last edited by --Mark Jones 19:50, 21 October 2007 (CDT)

To learn how to fill out this checklist, please see CZ:The Article Checklist.

Rewrite 21st October 2007

I rewrote the article to focus more specifically on software engineering and moved some of the previous content into stubs for other articles. I hope some of you like it. Please discuss how the article can be improved.

I'd love to see this article get approved status soon as it is a major subject within the Computers workgroup category. Is it ready now? Let's get things moving in that direction. --Mark Jones 19:50, 21 October 2007 (CDT)

SE is a complex field, I'm not sure if this article does it justice.

I'm a software engineering student, and it's a huge field. I've glanced through the article between classes and I plan to read it soon, and it seems solid. To be honest, I think it might be hard to write one entry that will please everyone, so I think there is a need to have a lot of related pages discussing the topics that can only be summarized in this article.

lacking parts

It seems early important steps in SW engineering are lacking methods like Structured Programming, Predicate Logics, System Development Management are not even named while they have played an important role in the development of methods to increase efficiency and maintenance of software development.