User:Sidney Draggan

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.


Ecologist, Science Policy Analyst

Dr. Sidney Draggan served most recently as Senior Science and Science Policy Advisor to the Assistant Administrator for Research and Development at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He joined the staff of the Immediate Office of the Assistant Administrator in 1997 after serving for two years as Special Assistant for Science to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He is an Ecologist (Ph.D. in Systems Ecology) with special interests in science policy research and analysis; environmental assessment, monitoring and management; chemical testing and control; and international environment policy. Currently, he is a member of the Environmental Information Coalition's Stewardship Committee for the Encyclopedia of Earth.

Prior to working in the Administrator’s Office, he was Associate Director of the Office of Research and Development’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP). His work with the EMAP focused on program policy formulation, information management issues, and strengthening the scientific-defensibility, reliability and credibility of all EMAP activities and products. He has served as Research Ecologist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Environmental Sciences Division; Senior Research Fellow at the Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre in London, UK; and, Ecological Effects Team Leader with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Toxic Substances. The EPA is the second Federal agency where Dr. Draggan has worked. Between 1978 - 1985, he was Environmental Policy Analyst at the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Division of Policy Research and Analysis. Also, he served as Associate Program Manager for Polar Biology and Medicine at NSF's Office of Polar Programs; and in 1989, he was named Environmental Officer of the NSF's Office of Polar Programs and of the U.S. Antarctic Program. During 1987, Dr. Draggan became the first NSF staff member to winterover on the Antarctic Continent, managing activities at McMurdo Station of the U.S. Antarctic Program. The following year he served as NSF Representative, New Zealand.

Dr. Draggan has published in the peer-reviewed ecological and science policy literatures. He is on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Environmental Studies, and Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. He was the U.S. EPA’s Liaison to the U. S. National Committee for CODATA. Also, he chairs the Partnership of Science and Technology Advisors of the international partnership, The Consortium for Advancing the Monitoring of Ecosystem Sustainability in the Americas. Dr. Draggan is a member of the Network for Science and Technology for Sustainability, was on the Project Advisory Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and is on the 2002, 2004 and 2006 Planning Committees of the Gordon Research Conferences on Frontiers of U.S. Science and Technology Policy. Significantly, he has edited four volumes on setting priorities for long¬term Federal environmental research and development activities, requested by the President's Council on Environmental Quality.