User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/COASP 2010/Background

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Session start · Talk start · Quotes · Background · Wikis as science communication platforms ·
Wikis as platforms for Open Access publishing · Prototypes · Editorial policies · Guided tour ·
Obstacles · Alternatives · Outlook · Summary · Slides · Video · Q & A · Demo

(CC) Image: Public Library of Science
Do journals with stand-alone articles really provide sufficient contextualization for research?

Putting research in context

  • For technical reasons, publishing was historically a separate step, performed about once per iteration of the research cycle
  • Publishing every relevant bit of information immediately at each step is technically feasible now, and the remaining hurdles are cultural ones.
  • Wikis allow for systematic linking and thus enhanced contextualization (sidenote: some have argued that links are distracting; this can be solved via user preferences)