Arab Spring/Addendum

National movements
(Population 35m, 99% Sunni Muslim)
The protests and strikes in January were mainly about living standards and corruption. President Bouteflika responded with cuts in food prices. Protests continued in some localities
Problems exist between Sunni leadership and a Shi'ite majority. The matter is of deep concern for Saudi Arabia, concerned with both its own Shi'ite minority, and concerns about Iranian expansion. [1]
Saudi Arabia
Syrian security forces have fired on unarmed protesters, possibly killing as many as 90 on 22 April. Nevertheless, protests continue. President Bashir al-Assad, however, repealed a long-standing and unpopular Emergency Law, and crowds continue to grow.[2]
Mediating the dispute in late April, the Gulf Cooperation Council presented President Ali Abdullah Saleh with a peace plan, which gives him immunity from prosecution but required him to leave office within 30 days. Elections would be held within 60 days, leading to the term "30-60 plan." Mohammed Qahtan, speaking for the Joint Meeting Parties opposition, said “I believe the 30-60 plan is the practical way to transfer power. We have accepted giving immunity, and we have made a significant sacrifice by accepting that the president will transfer power to a deputy of his choice. The only condition that we have made is that this deputy is not a member of his family."[3]
Arab country intervention
United Arab Emirates
- ↑ Popular Protests in North Africa and the Middle East (III): The Bahrain Revolt, International Crisis Group, 6 April 2011, MENA Report No. 105
- ↑ Juan Cole (23 April 2011), "Syrian Security fires on Protesters, Kills 90", Informed Comment
- ↑ Erik Stier (21 April 2011), "Gulf Council presents Yemen's Saleh with exit plan", Christian Science Monitor