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Revision as of 23:53, 2 April 2011 by imported>Maria Cuervo (→‎Early comments)
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 Definition Various concepts in philosophy and science presenting diverse views of what categories of entities, if any, do or do not qualify as existing absolutely, self-sufficiently and objectively irrespective of human presence. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Philosophy and Classics [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Early comments

Page created--Maria Cuervo 22:21, 2 April 2011 (UTC)

Good start. Two things I think it needs are Johnson's "I refute it thus" [1] and the 60s T-shirt "Reality is for people who cannot handle drugs". Sandy Harris 00:54, 3 April 2011 (UTC)

Thank you Sandy. I'll slowly work my way to Johnson but if you want to create an applicable section, go for it. Thank you for the suggestions. Is there an image for the T-shirt? I imagine that would be a great relief from the seriousness of Plato, to wear it or even to just see the image.--Maria Cuervo 01:08, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
Hayford: I didn't even see that apostrophe in the definition of Reality!
Also Schroedinger's cat and at least two butterflies — Chuang Tzu's and the one in Chaos theory. Sandy Harris 04:23, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
Love it. (Write) Right away. :] Will you be adding? For the next 4 days I will be swamped so if the page gets larger in my absence, what can I say! (on campus and away from this computer.) BTW, I worked for a decade in IT before switching to Philosophy, so I did enjoy reading your profile. I'm a bit of a polyglot and taught myself a few languages. Worked at government agencies, PBS affiliate, doing Oracle, perl, php, cold fusion, asp, pl/sql, regX and other things. Whatever was needed. I've written my own little content management system which by now is pretty old and useless. (So I retired my personal sites that used the program, for now.) I did consider having myself added to the technology workgroup? but wondered if it was too much. At least I could on occasion write articles on Baudrillard or other philosophy-related technology issues that could cross link. Who knows.--Maria Cuervo 04:43, 3 April 2011 (UTC)