English spellings/Catalogs/Common misspellings O

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Use in English | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alphabetical word list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retroalphabetical list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Common misspellings |
This page lists misspellings and typos of English words that begin with O. To see a different letter navigate with the table above.
In this list, there are no asterisks or pronouncing accents. The misspelling is shown as a blue link on the left, for example, *abberant, and it is followed by its correct form in brackets, (aberrant). (In the alphabetical list, the order is usually reversed: áberrant *ábberant.)
To add an entry to the list, insert a new search entry using the {{search link}} template with the correct spelling in parentheses after the link. For example,
* {{search link|mispelling||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspelling)
* {{search link|"mispell"|mispell|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspell)
Please do not delete a misspelling from this page just because it generates false positives. A better way of getting rid of false positives is to "unlink" it by removing the {{search link}} template. For example,
* u (you) (huge number of false positives)
By leaving it on the list, it will remind other users why it has not been added, and it can be easily re-tested at a later date.[e]
- obediance (obedience)
- obediant (obedient)
- obervation (observation)
- observence (observance)
- obsolecence (obsolescence)
- obsolecense (obsolescence)
- obsolesence (obsolescence)
- obsolesense (obsolescence)
- obstacal (obstacle)
- obsticle (obstacle)
- obstruse (abstruse)
- ocasion (occasion)
- ocasional (occasional)
- ocasionally (occasionally)
- ocasionaly (occasionally)
- ocasioned (occasioned)
- ocasions (occasions)
- ocassion (occasion)
- ocassional (occasional)
- ocassionally (occasionally)
- ocassioned (occasioned)
- ocassions (occasions)
- occassion (occasion)
- occassional (occasional)
- occassionally (occasionally)
- occassionaly (occasionally)
- occassioned (occasioned)
- occassions (occasions)
- occurance (occurrence)
- occurances (occurrences)
- occured (occurred)
- occurence (occurrence)
- occurences (occurrences)
- occuring (occurring)
- occurr (occur)
- occurrance (occurrence)
- occurrances (occurrences)
- occurrs (occurs)
- octohedra (octahedra)
- octohedral (octahedral)
- octohedron (octahedron)
- ocuntry (country)
- ocuntries (countries)
- ocupied (occupied)
- ocurr (occur)
- ocurrance (occurrence)
- ocurred (occurred)
- ocurrence (occurrence)
- odouriferous (odoriferous, even in UK)
- odourous (odorous, even in UK)
- offcial (official)
- offical (official)
- offically (officially)
- officaly (officially)
- officialy (officially)
- offshot (offshoot)
- oftenly (often)
- ofthe (of the)
- oging (going, ogling)
- ok (OK, okay)
- omision (omission)
- omited (omitted)
- omiting (omitting)
- ommision (omission)
- ommited (omitted)
- ommiting (omitting)
- ommitted (omitted)
- ommitting (omitting)
- omniverous (omnivorous)
- omniverously (omnivorously)
- omre (more)
- on mass (en masse)
- onot (note, not)
- on route (en route)
- onthe (on the)
- onyl (only)
- oponent (opponent)
- oportunity (opportunity)
- oposite (opposite)
- oposition (opposition)
- oppened (opened)
- oppening (opening)
- opperate (operate)
- opperation (operation)
- oppertunity (opportunity)
- oppinion (opinion)
- opression (oppression)
- opressive (oppressive)
- opthalmic (ophthalmic)
- opthalmologist (ophthalmologist)
- opthalmology (ophthalmology)
- opthamologist (ophthalmologist)
- opthamology (ophthalmology)
- opthomologist (ophthalmologist)
- opthomology (ophthalmology)
- optomism (optimism)
- optomist (optimist)
- optomistic (optimistic)
- organim (organism)
- orgin (origin, organ)
- orginal (original)
- orginally (originally)
- orginate (originate)
- orginize (organise)
- orientate (orient)
- orientated (oriented)
- originaly (originally)
- originnal (original)
- originnally (originally)
- origional (original)
- orignal (original)
- origonal (original)
- orthagonal (orthogonal)
- orthagonally (orthogonally)
- otehr (other)
- ouevre oeuvre
- outloud (out loud)
- outputted (output)
- overlayed (overlaid)
- overshaddowed (overshadowed)
- overwelming (overwhelming)
- owrk (work)
- owudl (would)
- oxens (oxen [plural] or oxen's)
- oxigen (oxygen)
- oximoron (oxymoron)
- oxyen (oxygen)