Great Depression in the United States

The Great Depression in the United States of America was longer and deeper than any downturn in economic activity that has happened before or since. It had a profoundly damaging effect upon welfare and morale of the people of the United States, depriving many of jobs, homes and savings, creating widespread poverty, and destroying a previous mood of optimism. It started eleven years after the end of the First World War and was not over until the outset of the Second World War.
Its effect upon many Americans was reflected in a popular song of the time that include the lines:
- They used to tell me I was building a dream...
- ... once I built a railroad; now it's done ...
- ... brother, can you spare a dime?
- "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime," lyrics by Yip Harburg, music by Jay Gorney (1931)
Efforts continue to understand that disaster by examining the events and beliefs that led up to it. and the policy decisions that contributed to its severity. A definitive explanation is not yet available.
Links and subpages
- For an annotated chronology of the main events, see the Timelines subpage;
- for an article about events in the United States and elsewhere, see the article on the Great Depression;
- for a summary of the relevant economic statistics, see the Tutorials subpage;
- for definitions of terms shown in italics see the Glossary.
The early and mid-1920s
The condition of the United States in the 1920s differed markedly from its pre-war condition. The wartime destruction of much of Europe's productive capacity had made it the richest country in the world, and Europe's wartime borrowing had made the United Staes the largest creditor.
The immediate influence of the ending of the war upon the United States economy was confusion. The full convertability of the dollar into gold under the gold standard which had been suspended during the war, was immediately resumed. The shock of the ending of wartime production led to a minor recession that was followed by a resumption of strong output growth. A few years later there occurred severest bout of deflation ever experienced in the United States when wholesale prices fell by 56% in a little over a year, following an attempt to end wartime inflation by a tightening of the federal budget, and sharp reduction in the monetary base. [1].
In 1921 Warren Harding became President and pushed through a programme of tax reductions, farming subsidies, tariffs and immigration restrictions.
In 1923 a committee appointed by Herbert Hoover (then Commerce Secretary) published a 300-page report on the subject of recessions and the associated unemployment [2]. The committee had regarded it as inevitable that every boom would be followed by a slump, and had considered how a future boom could be restrained and how the following downturn could be countered. Among their recommendations were the postponment of commercial and public investment projects and the control of credit expansion by the banks. Although he endorsed those recommendations at the time, he subsequently proposed severe limits upon the government's ability to act upon them. He has been quoted as saying - at the depth of the depression - that there should be " tampering or inflation of the currency"; that the budget should be "unquestionably balanced, even if further taxation is necessary"; and that "the Government credit [should] be maintained by refusal to exhaust it in the issue of securities" - which John Kenneth Galbraith took to amount to the rejection of both fiscal policy and monetary policy actions in face of a depression[3]
Monetary policy in the 1920s was dominated by Benjamin Strong, a participant in the creation of the Federal Reserve System and first governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Strong maintained a close relationship with Montague Norman of the Bank of England, and in 1924 he maintained low interest rates in the United States, which by making the dollar lesss attractive, and sterling more attractive to investors, drove up the foreign exchange value of the British currency and facilitated Britain's return to the gold standard and in 1927 he forced through the Federal Reserve System a decrease in the discount rate from 4 to 3 percent which is quoted to have called "un petit coup de whisky for the stock exchange". This appeared to have been influenced by the previous Long Island meeting of central bankers of Great Britain, the United States, France, and Germany to discuss means of strengthening Britain's gold reserves and of the general European currency situation [4].
Following the election of Calvin Coolidge to the Presidency, the mid-1920s came to be known as the "Coolidge Prosperity". Having declared that "the chief business of the American people is business" the President persuaded Congress to give private business substantial encouragement, including construction loans, profitable mail-carrying contracts and other indirect subsidies [5]. America experienced rapid increases in mass production and mass consumption, turning it into the richest society in the world. It saw the birth of what came to be known as the "American Dream" - a "dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" [6] and
became a modern middle-class economy of radios, consumer appliances, automobiles and suburbs with about one American in five owning a motor vehicle. It also became a land of great inequality, with the richest one percent of U.S. households holding an estimated 45 percent of national wealth,
[7]. Hire-purchase became increasingly popular Cite error: Closing </ref>
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- ↑ Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz A Monetary History of the United States 1867-1960 (p. 289), Princeton University Press for NBER, 1963
- ↑ Business Cycles and Unemployment, Report and Recommendations of a Committee of the President's Conference on Unemployment, McGraw Hill, 1923
- ↑ John Kenneth Galbraith The Great Crash 1929, Penguin Books 1992
- ↑ Priscilla Roberts: Benjamin Strong, the Federal Reserve, and the limits to interwar American nationalism: Part II: Strong and the Federal Reserve System in the 1920s, Economic Quarterly - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond , Spring 2000
- ↑ "War, Prosperity and Depression", Chapter 9, An outline of American History, The United States Information Agency 2008
- ↑ James Truslow Adams: The Epic of America, Little Brown & Co, 1931
- ↑ [ Bradford De Long: "The Roaring Twenties", Economic History of the United States Chapter XII, 1997[
- ↑ Historical Background and Development of Social Security, Social Security Administration 2008