Electric displacement
In physics, electric displacement, usually denoted by D, is a vector field in a non-conducting medium, a dielectric, that is proportional to the electric field E. In SI units,
where ε0 is the electric constant and εr is the relative permittivity. In Gaussian units ε0 is not defined and may put equal to unity. In vacuum the dimensionless quantity εr = 1 (both for SI and Gaussian units) and D is simply related, or equal, to E.
The electric displacement appears in one of the macroscopic Maxwell equations,
where the symbol ∇⋅ gives the divergence of D(r) and ρ(r) is the charge density at the point r.
As defined here, D and E are proportional, i.e., εr is a number (a scalar). For a non-isotropic dielectric εr may be a second rank tensor,
In the case of a non-stationary (time-dependent) electric field, we have the Fourier transform of the electric field
(To be continued)