Order (relation)

In mathematics, an order relation is a relation on a set which generalises the notion of comparison between numbers and magnitudes, or inclusion between sets or algebraic structures.
Throughout the discussion of various forms of order, it is necessary to distinguish between a strict or strong form and a weak form of an order: the difference being that the weak form includes the possibility that the objects being compared are equal. We shall usually denote a general order by the traditional symbols < or > for the strict form and ≤ or ≥ for the weak form, but notations such as ,; ,; , are also common. We also use the traditional notational convention that .
Partial order
The most general form of order is the (strict) partial order, a relation < on a set satisfying:
- Irreflexive:
- Antisymmetric:
- Transitive:
The weak form of the order ≤ satisfies the variant conditions:
- Reflexive:
- Antisymmetric:
- Transitive:
Total order
A total or linear order is one which has the trichotomy property: for any x, y exactly one of the three statements , , holds.