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Revision as of 15:05, 24 October 2008 by imported>J. Noel Chiappa (Chaning meaning)
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 Definition ULTRA was the main code word, in the Second World War, for British signals intelligence directed at Nazi Germany. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Military, Computers and History [Categories OK]
 Subgroup categories:  Security, Intelligence and World War II
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

Changing meaning

I don't have the references right here at hand, but my recollection is that the meaning of "Ultra" changed over time. It initially referred to just the Enigma system(s) (both Army, GAF and Navy), but eventually came to cover all high-level cryptanalytic intel. I think the same was true of the US term MAGIC, which came to cover all HLCI. If I have time, I'll try and research this issue further. J. Noel Chiappa 20:05, 24 October 2008 (UTC)