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- Abbott, Margery Post et al. Historical Dictionary of the Friends (Quakers). Scarecrow Press, 2003. 432 pp.
- Bacon, Margaret Hope. "Quakers and Colonization," Quaker History, 95 (Spring 2006), 26–43.
- Barbour, Hugh, and J. William Frost. The Quakers. Greenwood Press. 1988, 412pp; historical survey, including many capsule biographies online edition
- Barbour, Hugh. The Quakers in Puritan England (1964).
- Benjamin, Philip. Philadelphia Quakers in an Age of Industrialism, 1870-1920 (1976),
- Braithwaite, William C. The Beginnings of Quakerism (1912); revised by Henry J. Cadbury (1955) online edition
- Braithwaite, William C. Second Period of Quakerism (1919); revised by Henry Cadbury (1961), covers 1660 to 1720s in Britain
- Brock, Peter. Pioneers of the Peaceable Kingdom (1968), on Peace Testimony from the 1650s to 1900.
- Bronner, Edwin B. William Penn's Holy Experiment (1962)
- Connerley, Jennifer. "Friendly Americans: Representing Quakers in the United States, 1850-1920." PhD dissertation U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 2006. 277 pp. Citation: DAI 2006 67(2): 600-A. DA3207363 online at ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
- Davies, Adrian. The Quakers in English Society, 1655-1725. Oxford U. Press, 2000. 261 pp.
- Doherty, Robert. The Hicksite Separation (1967), uses the new social history to inquire who joined which side
- Dunn, Mary Maples. William Penn: Politics and Conscience (1967)
- Frost, J. William. The Quaker Family in Colonial America: A Portrait of the Society of Friends (1973), emphasis on social structure and family life
- Frost, J. William. "The Origins of the Quaker Crusade against Slavery: A Review of Recent Literature," Quaker History 67 (1978): 42-58,
- Hamm, Thomas. The Quakers in America. Columbia University Press, 2003. 293 pp., amalysis of current situation, with brief history
- Hamm, Thomas. The Transformation of American Quakerism: Orthodox Friends, 1800-1907 (1988), looks at the impact of the Holiness movement on the Orthodox faction
- Hamm, Thomas D. Earlham College: A History, 1847-1997. Indiana U. Press, 1997. 448 pp.
- Hewitt, Nancy. Women's Activism and Social Change (1984).
- Illick, Joseph E. Colonial Pennsylvania: A History. 1976. online edition
- Ingle, H. Larry Quakers in Conflict: The Hicksite Reformation (1986)
- Ingle, H. Larry. First among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism. Oxford U. Press, 1994. 407 pp.
- James, Sydney. A People among Peoples: Quaker Benevolence in Eighteenth-Century America (1963), a broad ranging study that remains the best history in America before 1800
- Jones, Rufus M., Amelia M. Gummere, and Isaac Sharpless. Quakers in the American Colonies (1911) to 1775 online edition
- Jones, Rufus M. Later Periods of Quakerism, 2 vols. (1921), covers England and America until World War I.
- Jones, Rufus M. The Story of George Fox (1919) 169 pages online edition
- Jones, Rufus M. A Service of Love in War Time: American Friends Relief Work in Europe, 1917-1919 (1922) online edition
- Jordan, Ryan. "The Dilemma of Quaker Pacifism in a Slaveholding Republic, 1833-1865," Civil War History, Vol. 53, 2007 online edition
- Jordan, Ryan. Slavery and the Meetinghouse: The Quakers and the Abolitionist Dilemma, 1820–1865. (2007) 191pp ISBN 0-253-34860-9
- Kennedy, Thomas C. British Quakerism, 1860-1920: The Transformation of a Religious Community. Oxford U. Press, 2001. 477 pp.
- Larson, Rebecca. Daughters of Light: Quaker Women Preaching and Prophesying in the Colonies and Abroad, 1700-1775. Knopf, 1999. 399 pp.
- LeShana, James David. "'Heavenly Plantations': Quakers in Colonial North Carolina." PhD dissertation: U. of California, Riverside 1998. 362 pp. DAI 2000 61(5): 2005-A. DA9974014 Fulltext: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
- Moore, Rosemary. The Light in Their Consciences: The Early Quakers in Britain, 1646-1666. Penn State U. Press, 2000. 314 pp.
- Nash, Gary. Quakers and Politics: Pennsylvania, 1680-1726 (1968)
- Punshon, John. Portrait in Grey: A short history of the Quakers. Quaker Home Service, 1984.
- Rasmussen, Ane Marie Bak. A History of the Quaker Movement in Africa. London: British Academic Press, 1994. 168 pp.
- Russell, Elbert. The History of Quakerism (1942). online edition
- Smuck, Harold. Friends in East Africa (Richmond, Indiana: 1987)
- Trueblood, D. Elton The People Called Quakers (1966)
- Tolles, Frederick B. Meeting House and Counting House (1948), om Quaker businessmen in colonial Philadelphia
- Tolles, Frederick B. Quakers and the Atlantic Culture (1960)
- Vlach, John Michael. "Quaker Tradition and the Paintings of Edward Hicks: A Strategy for the Study of Folk Art," Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 94, 1981 online edition
- Walvin, James. The Quakers: Money and Morals. 1997. 243 pp.
- Yarrow, Clarence H. The Quaker Experience in International Conciliation (1979), for post-1945
Primary sources
- Gummere, Amelia, ed. The Journal and Essays of John Woolman (1922) online edition
- Jones, Rufus M., ed. The Journal of George Fox: An Autobiography online edition
- Mott, Lucretia Coffin. Selected Letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott. edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer, U. of Illinois Press, 2002. 580 pp
- West, Jessamyn, ed. The Quaker Reader (1962, reprint 1992) - collection of essays by Fox, Penn, and other notable Quakers