Revision as of 06:27, 23 August 2007 by imported>Paul Wormer
In mathematics, spherical harmonics Yml are an orthogonal and complete set of functions of the spherical polar angles θ and φ. In quantum mechanics they appear as eigenfunctions of orbital angular momentum. The name is due to Lord Kelvin. Spherical harmonics are ubiquitous in atomic and molecular physics. They are important in the representation of the gravitational field, geoid, and magnetic field of planetary bodies, characterization of the cosmic microwave background radiation and recognition of 3D shapes in computer graphics.
Several definitions are possible, we present first one that is common in quantum mechanically oriented texts. The spherical polar angles are the colatitude angle θ and the longitudinal (azimuthal) angle φ. The numbers l and m are integral numbers and l is positive or zero.
![{\displaystyle C_{\ell }^{m}(\theta ,\varphi )\equiv i^{m+|m|}\;\left[{\frac {(\ell -|m|)!}{(\ell +|m|)!}}\right]^{1/2}P_{\ell }^{|m|}(\cos \theta )e^{im\varphi },\qquad -\ell \leq m\leq \ell ,}](
is a (phaseless) Associated Legendre function.
The m dependent phase is known as the Condon & Shortley phase:

An alternative definition uses the fact that the associated Legendre functions can be defined (via the Rodrigues formula) for negative m,
![{\displaystyle {\tilde {C}}_{\ell }^{m}(\theta ,\varphi )\equiv (-1)^{m}\left[{\frac {(\ell -m)!}{(\ell +m)!}}\right]^{1/2}P_{\ell }^{m}(\cos \theta )e^{im\varphi },\qquad -\ell \leq m\leq \ell ,}](
The two definitions obviously agree for positive and zero m, but for negative m this is less apparent. It is also not immediately clear that the choices of phases yield the same function. However, below we will see that the definitions agree for negative m as well. Hence, for all l ≥ 0,

Complex conjugation
Noting that that the associated Legendre function is real and that

we find for the complex conjugate of the spherical harmonic in the first definition
![{\displaystyle C_{\ell }^{m}(\theta ,\varphi )^{*}=(-1)^{m}\,i^{-m+|m|}\;\left[{\frac {(\ell -|m|)!}{(\ell +|m|)!}}\right]^{1/2}P_{\ell }^{|m|}(\cos \theta )e^{-im\varphi }=(-1)^{m}C_{\ell }^{-m}(\theta ,\varphi ).}](
Complex conjugation gives for the functions of positive m in the second definition
![{\displaystyle {\tilde {C}}_{\ell }^{|m|}(\theta ,\varphi )^{*}\equiv (-1)^{m}\left[{\frac {(\ell -|m|)!}{(\ell +|m|)!}}\right]^{1/2}P_{\ell }^{|m|}(\cos \theta )e^{-i|m|\varphi }.}](
Use of the non-trivial relation, which does not depend on choice of phase,

![{\displaystyle {\tilde {C}}_{\ell }^{|m|}(\theta ,\varphi )^{*}=\left[{\frac {(\ell +|m|)!}{(\ell -|m|)!}}\right]^{1/2}P_{\ell }^{-|m|}(\cos \theta )e^{-i|m|\varphi }=(-1)^{m}{\tilde {C}}_{\ell }^{-|m|}(\theta ,\varphi ).}](
Since the two definitions coincide for positive m and complex conjugation gives in both definitions the same relation to functions of negative m, it follows that the two definitions agree. From here on we drop the tilde annd assume both definitions to be simultaneously valid.
It can be shown that

This non-unit normalization is known as Racah's normalization or Schmidt's semi-normalization. It is often more convenient than unit normalization. Unit normalized functions are defined as follows