
This category of dog breeds is ill-defined because not all true terriers have the word “terrier” in their names, and not all dogs called “terrier” are true terriers. This list will contain all dog breed generally considered to be true terriers, with explanatory notes when necessary. It will not include crossbreeds. Please refer to the breed articles for more details.
List of terrier breeds
- Airedale Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- American Pit Bull Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- American Staffordshire Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Australian Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Australia Silky Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description – see below
- Bedlington Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Border Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Brazilian Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Bull Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Bull Terrier (Miniature) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Cairn Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Cesky Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Chilean Fox Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- English Toy Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description – in some circles, believed to be the same as the Toy Manchester Terrier – see below.
- Fox Terrier [r]: Small to medium-sized hunting terrier developed to rout fox and vermin. [e] - The fanciers of Standard Fox Terriers (Wire-haired and Smooth Fox Terriers) sometimes object to other breeds being classed as Fox Terriers. Given the origin and development of the Fox Terrier, there is no true basis for the objection, although in some circles it is deeply entrenched. See more at the main article.
- Fox Terrier (Smooth) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Fox Terrier (Wire) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Fox Terrier (Chilean) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Fox Terrier (Miniature) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Fox Terrier (Toy) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Glen of Imaal Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Irish Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Jack Russell Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description – A difficult breed of dogs to classify as several types fall under this umbrella. See notes below.
- Japanese Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Kerry Blue Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Lakeland Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Manchester Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Norfolk Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Norwich Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Parson Jack Russell Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Pinscher [r]: Add brief definition or description – See below
- Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Rat Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Schnauzer [r]: Add brief definition or description – See below
- Scottish Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Sealyham Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Skye Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Teddy Roosevelt Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Tenterfield Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Toy Manchester Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Welsh Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- West Highland White Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Yorkshire Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description – Toy group
Explanation of special cases
Independent and national terrier Breeds
- ’’Breeds not recognized by any major kennel club. Includes breeds recognized by the national kennel club of their countries of origin only, and bona fide purebreds without any kennel club affiliation.’’
- Jack Russell Terrier – Jack Russells are a difficult breed to classify, because of several hotly contested issues. Working Jack Russells have independent clubs, of which the Jack Russell Club of America is probably the most established and best known.
The definition of a Jack Russell Terrier, long considered a strain of dog rather than a bona fide breed, was the subject of intense debate right up through its official recognition in 1995, and the controversies continue to the present day.
One is whether the dog is from show or working lines. Another is that the breed standards for the Jack Russell, the Russell Terrier and the Parson Russell Terrier overlap to some degree, and there are slightly differing standards in different countries. The show Jack Russells are recognized by all major kennel clubs, though not under the same standard in all countries. Working Jack Russells have independent clubs, of which the Jack Russell Club of America is probably the most established and best known.
- Miniature Fox Terrier
Dogs called “terrier” which are not generally considered true terriers
- Boston Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description - Not classed as a terrier in any major kennel club due to bulldog ancestry, asking whether or not it is a true terrier will usually start a fight
- Russian Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description - usually classed as a working or utility dog
- Tibetan Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description
Dogs not called “terrier” which are generally accepted as true terriers
- Pinscher [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Schnauzer [r]: Add brief definition or description - some variants classes as terriers in some kennel clubs; most afficionados consider them terriers
Note that the FCI classes Schnauzers and Pinschers in a separate group from terriers.
True Terriers classed in other groups
- Australian Silky Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description (sometimes classed in the Toy Group)
- English Toy Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description (Toy)
- German Pinscher [r]: Add brief definition or description (aka Standard Pinscher – sometimes classed in the Working Group)
- Kromfohrländer [r]: Add brief definition or description – Terrier (UKC) and Toy (FCI)
- Miniature Schnauzer [r]: Add brief definition or description (Utility- KC; Terrier, AKC and UKC)
- Toy Manchester Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description (Toy)
- Yorkshire Terrier [r]: Add brief definition or description (Toy)