User:Pieter van Beek

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Biography: Pieter JA van Beek, BSc. Born 1972 in The Netherlands.

1984-1991 Gymnasium (something like Grammar School). Curriculum consisted of: English, German, French, Latin, Greek, Dutch, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, history, economy, etcetera. Graduated in English, Greek, Dutch, physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics.
1991-1992 School of the Arts, theater and music, in Antwerp, Belgium.
1992-1993 Studied Sociology and Philosophy at the Catholic (sure) University of Tilburg
1993-2001 Studied Biology at the University of Amsterdam. Graduated as a Bachelor.
1998-2000 Worked at the Neurobiology department of the Institute for Experimental Zoology, University of Amsterdam. Programmed neural network simulations of the hippocampus (an area of the mammal brain)
1997-2005 Worked as an ICT freelancer. 50% was the common dull ICT stuff for making a living. 50% was interesting and challenging Scientific Programming work, e.g. for the University of Muenchen, Germany.
2005-2006 Worked for an ICT company called ICEshop. They build web-shops.
2006-now Working at SARA, the Dutch national super computer facility, as an e-Science consultant. I'm participating in various projects that should close the gap between life sciences and high performance computing.

Special skills, not apparent from the above:

  • Latin. I like translating texts, but there's not much want for that, these days. I'll be glad to help you out, though!
  • Modern ethical and political thought
  • Music. I like to arrange music for big bands and dance orchestra's.