Periodic table of elements

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An element is a fundamental classification of atomic matter where differentiation of particles is based on the number of protons found in their nucleus. So far 118 elements are known to exist either by producing them artificially or finding them naturally in the environment. The component parts of the table are known as Rows and Groups (the later referring to columns). In the Periodic Table of the Elements elements are sorted in ascending order of the number of protons in the nucleus (atomic number). The physical state of matter that they exist in at Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) is usually also provided.

A link to a web-based table — different from the shown one — is given here

The periodic table of elements

Elements by periodic table group (vertical column)

Elements in any one Group behave in a similar way and show the same overall general properties. The number of electrons in the outer shells of the electron orbitals is the same in every group, only the quantum number describing the orbitals increases. For instance, the right column is occupied by the noble gases. Because they have an outer shell of electrons that is completely filled, they are inert in behaviour. See for an explanation Atoms and Molecules. On the extreme left there is a group of metals, called the alkali metals. They are characterized by having a single electron in their outer valence orbital. Going down from Li, Na, K to Fr the reactivity decreases, but these metals react easily – for example, with water, in a very exothermic way. This lowered reactivity is related to the atomic weight. As the mass of the nucleus increases with each neutron and proton, so also does the number of electrons (to balance the electric charge). Because these electrons are all at a greater distance from the nucleus, the energy gained from removing one electron diminishes according to the proportionality of r−2. The one free electron in the outer valence shell is in a so-called s-orbital. In all these metals there is only one free electron and these ball-shaped orbitals are denoted by 1s1, 2s1, 3s1, etc., all with an increasing average radius from the nucleus. For all the subsequent groups, characterizations can be formulated based upon similarities in reactivity — the way they react, how many electrons can be shared, etc. As a result, the likelihood of reactants to be able to react together can be determined from the Periodic Table of Elements.

The way the element at the top of a column reacts and the way it produces new chemicals give a clue to how other elements in that same row will react. For instance carbon and hydrogen (H2) react to form methane. The bonds of the carbon (C) take a tetrahedral or pyramidal shape. Silicon or Si responds in the same way and carbon-chemistry is to a significant extent the same as silicon-chemistry.

Elements by periodic table row

Elements in a row show different periodicities, such as electronegativities, increasing atomic mass, increasing number or protons and neutrons. The stability of these elements diminish however with an increasing number or nucleotides (protons and neutrons). These instabilities lead to radio-active decay as is evident from the actinides and lanthanides, the groups of the rare earths. They contain elements such as plutonium, radon and uranium, and, notorious since the poison scandal in the UK, polonium.

The ratio of protons to neutrons is important in determining the stability of elements. If the ratio is over 1 the chance of a radioactive unstable element, or isotope of an element, becomes larger. The larger the ratio the larger that chance the element will be radioactive.

Other properties vary differently from the column wise view of the periodic table of elements. Going down the reactivity decreases. Going in a row from left to right the reactivity increases, and properties such as electronegativity increases as well. For the latter reason the tendency to lose an electron to form a covalent bond decreases and turns into the tendency of needing one or more electrons to form a stable covalent bond, producing a more stable chemical substance or molecule. The alkali metals are the most eager to loose an electron (they have the lowest electronegativity in the row) making them very reactive with water. The halogens are for the opposite reason reactive, they need to attract that electron to obtain a more stable electron-configuration. hydrofluoric acid is among the strongest acids known to mankind, where sodium hydroxide is one of the strongest bases — as an example. Electronegativity also is the source for the occurrence of electric polarity in substances. In every molecule of water (H2O), the hydrogen is less inclined to keep its electron tightly bound. The oxygen on the other hand, being more electronegative, likes to share electrons to create a more stable electron configuration. This results in the protons(hydrogens) side of the molecule being slightly more positively charged ∆+, whereas oxygen side is slightly more negatively charged 2∆−. Therefore water is a highly polar fluid with the capability to facilitate hydrogen bonding in solutions which is a somewhat non-standard behaviour.

Elements classified alphabetically

See Elements


This article is not intended to delve into the past but is to provide a reasonable stepping stone into developing further articles for the individual elements. The history and development of the Periodic Table of Elements may be included in version 1.1