CZ:Law Workgroup
Workgroups are no longer used for group communications, but they still are used to group articles into fields of interest. Each article is assigned to 1-3 Workgroups via the article's Metadata. |
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Law article | All articles (465) | To Approve (0) | Editors: active (0) / inactive (16) and Authors: active (131) / inactive (0) |
Workgroup Discussion | ||||
Recent changes | Citable Articles (3) | |||||||
Subgroups (0) |
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The Law Workgroup will organize and coordinate efforts to create and improve articles relating to Law. If you are interested in participating, you may add yourself to Category:Law Authors, discuss issues on the Law Workgroup Forum, or simply dive in and begin contributing. If you'd like to be an editor, please follow these instructions and then you may add yourself to Category:Law Editors.
High priority articles
In the list of articles below, the existence of an approved version is indicated by underlining.
If you begin work on one of the articles from the list below, please be sure to add the article to the Law Workgroup list (add [[Category:Law Workgroup]] at the bottom of the article's page).
If you want to import one of these articles from Wikipedia, please read How to convert Wikipedia articles to Citizendium articles first. In particular, please do not import WP articles unless you plan or beginning work on them "within the hour" as the article says.
Main subject areas
Law | Law enforcement | Litigation
Trials (in chronological order)
Criminal trials (offenses against the public)
Trial of Socrates | Trial of Joan of Arc | Trial of Galileo | Salem witchcraft trials | John Peter Zenger trial | Boston Massacre trial | Amistad trials | Trial of John Brown | Susan B. Anthony trial | Louis Riel trial | Scopes Trial | Sacco-Vanzetti case | Scottsboro boys | Moscow trials | Nuremberg Trials | Rosenberg espionage trial | Hiss perjury trial | Trial of Adolf Eichmann
Civil trials (disputes between persons)
Goldmark case | Microsoft Anti-trust Case |
U.S. Supreme Court cases
Marbury v. Madison | Dred Scott decision | Ex Parte Milligan | Plessy v. Ferguson | Standard Oil v. U.S. | Korematsu v. United States | Brown v. Board of Education | Gideon v. Wainwright | Miranda v. Arizona | New York Times v. Sullivan | New York Times v. United States | Roe v. Wade | United States v. Nixon | University of California Regents v. Bakke
Legal theory
Copyright | Libel | Patent | Trademark
Documents and treaties
Code of Charlemagne | Magna Carta | Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Jurists and lawyers
Benjamin N. Cardozo | Clarence Darrow | Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. | Louis Nizer | John Marshall | Earl Warren | William Rehnquist
Law enforcement
J. Edgar Hoover | FBI | Scotland Yard