Yiddish language

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Yiddish is a West Germanic language commonly spoken by people of Jewish heritage originating from Central and Eastern Europe and now settled in several parts of the world.[1] Though usually written in the Hebrew alphabet, from a language typological standpoint it is a dialect of German, with lexical admixtures from Hebrew and, at least in some dialects, phonological innovations adopted from Slavic languages, esp. Polish. The name "Yiddish" derives from the southwestern German dialectal pronunciation of Standard German jüdisch, meaning "Jewish."


  1. Karin Laub. Long Suppressed, Yiddish is Making a Comeback in Israel, Associated Press, 1987-06-18. Retrieved on 2022-08-18. “Yiddish, the earthy language of Eastern Europe’s Jews, is making a comeback in Israel where it had been despised for decades as a threat to Hebrew and a negative symbol of the Jewish diaspora.”