User:Richard Lai
I have lots and lots of "interests"
- Nevada Desert Experience: as a member of the council
- Sacramento Food Not Bombs: (speaking as a member here: )
- Gardening in our allotment in the community garden
Interests that have an online aspect include:
- Being an "activist" and organizer
- Sacramento Sustainability Action Group
- Permaculture
Teach and Share: I was deeply involved with the production and logistics teams of the Heart of Now personal growth courses at Lost Valley, the community where I lived at in Oregon. I have contributed to and coached the personal growth of many.
I have also contributed to the logistical planning and implementation for a number of protests, events, and peacewalks.
I have done, in the past, (and can convey some information about): permaculture, raising chickens, Nursing (in a variety of settings), minor bicycle repair, raising bees, gardening, cooking for large groups of people, computer data recovery, ...
I have studied (and perhaps can convey some information about): cob building, biodiesel production, working with clay, ...
I have also contributed to the relief of discomfort and taught health care information to many people, contributed to lengthening the quality of life and relief of from pain for some people, and saved a few from eminent death and destruction.