History/Catalogs/Historians by area of study

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This is a list of historians categorized by their area of study. See also History for overview of historiography
Ancient history
- Michael Crawford
- Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) - Roman Empire
- Peter Green - Ancient Greece and Macedon
- Herodotus
- Josephus
- Barbara Levick (born 1932, British) - Roman emperors
- Livy
- Barthold Georg Niebuhr (1776–1831) - Roman
- Howard Hayes Scullard (1903-1983) - Roman civilization
- Ronald Syme (1903 - 1989) Rome
- Suetonius
- Tacitus
- Joseph Tainter
- Thucydides
- Xenophon
Medieval history
- Placido Puccinelli (1609-1685, Italian) - Northern Italy in the tenth century and the Florentine church
- Marc Bloch (1886-1944, French) France, methodology
- John Boswell (1947-1994, American) - Homosexuality
- Norman Cantor (1930-2004), England, historiography
- Georges Duby (1924-1996), France
- François-Louis Ganshof (1895-1980), Dutch
- Patrick Geary
- Geoffrey of Monmouth
- Geraldis Cambrensis
- Johan Huizinga Dutch
- George Sarton, science
- Jacques Le Goff, French
- Rev. F. X. Martin (Irish) - Mediævalist and campaigner
- Rosamond McKitterick - Frankish and Carolingian history
- Henri Pirenne (1862-1935) - the "Pirenne Thesis" of early Medieval development
- Eileen Power - Middle Ages
- Miri Rubin - social and religious history, 1100-1500
- Stephen Runciman (1903–2000) - the Crusades
- Richard Southern (1912-2001), religion
- Sidney Painter
- John Julius Norwich
Canada, history
- Francis Parkman - French and Indian War; Canada
- Donald Creighton - Developed the Laurentian thesis
- Lionel Groulx (1878-1967) - history of Quebec
- Harold Innis - Economic history
- Jack Granatstein - Political and military
- W.L. Morton - Manitoba
- Eric Williams (1911-1981) - slavery
U.S., History
- Stephen Ambrose (1936-2002) - Biographer of Eisenhower, Nixon; military history
- Thomas A. Bailey, diplomatic
- Bernard Bailyn, Revolution
- George Bancroft (1800-1891) - colonial and Revolution
- Charles A. Beard (1874-1948) economic interpretation
- Alan Brinkley - 1930s
- Bruce Catton - American Civil War
- William Cronon - environmental history
- David Herbert Donald, Civil War, Reconstruction
- W.E.B. Du Bois - Reconstruction
- Eric Foner - Reconstruction
- Shelby Foote - (1916-2005) - American Civil War
- John Hope Franklin - African Americans
- Milton Friedman, monetary history
- John A. Garraty, biography, political
- Richard Hildreth, 18th century
- Richard Hofstadter (1916-1970) - Progessivism and U.S. political history
- Russell Kirk, conservative ideas
- Arthur S. Link, Woodrow Wilson
- Seymour Martin Lipset, political sociology of movements
- David McCullough (1933- ) - popular biographies of Harry Truman, Teddy Roosevelt, John Adams
- Forrest McDonald, political history
- James M. McPherson - American Civil War
- Edmund Morgan, colonial and Revolution
- David Nasaw - biography
- Frank Lawrence Owsley, antebellum South
- Francis Parkman - French and Indian War; Canada
- Vernon L. Parringon, history of ideas
- Ulrich B. Phillips, slavery
- David M. Potter, coming of Civil War
- Theodore Roosevelt, West, War of 1812
- Arthur Schlesinger Sr., social history
- Arthur Schlesinger Jr., political history, biography
- Frederick Jackson Turner (1861-1932) - Developed the Frontier Thesis and sectionalism thesis
- Frank Vandiver, military
- C. Vann Woodward (1908-1999) - The South
- Howard Zinn (1922- ) - Leftist historian
Early 20th century
Post 1950
- David W, Blight
- Martin Duberman
- Paul Finkelman
- Eric Foner
- John Hope Franklin
- Lawrence Levine
- Leon Litwack
- William S. McFeely
- James M. McPherson
- Gary Nash
- Leonard Richards
- Kenneth Stampp
- Howard Zinn
Dunning School
Latin America
- Sergio Buarque de Holanda
- Gilberto Freyre
- Caio Prado
- Fernando Novais - the crisis of colonial system
- Norman Davies
- Elizabeth Eisenstein, printing
- John Lukacs, Cold War
- Henri-Jean Martin, early printing and writing
- Robert Roswell Palmer, French Revolution
- J. Salwyn Schapiro
- Norman Stone, World War I
- Gordon Wright, World War II
- Venerable Bede (672 – 735)
- Geoffrey of Monmouth (died circa 1154)
- Angus Calder - World War II.
- Maurice Cowling - political history.
- Eamon Duffy - 15th-17th century religious history
- Geoffrey Rudolph Elton - Tudor period
- Antonia Fraser - 17th century
- J. H. Hexter - Revolution; methodology
- Gertrude Himmelfarb - Victorian social and cultural history.
- Christopher Hill (1912-2003) - 17th century England and Revolution
- John Edward Lloyd (1861-1947) - Early Welsh history
- Lewis Bernstein Namier - 18th century politics
- Andrew Roberts, modern British history.
- A. L. Rowse (1903-1997) Elizabethan England
- Dominic Sandbrook (born 1974) - The 1960s and after
- John Robert Seeley (1834-1895)
- David Starkey (born 1945) - Tudor
- E. P. Thompson, (1924-1993), working class
- Lawrence Stone, The history of society and the family in England
- George Macaulay Trevelyan (1876–1962) 17th-18th centuries;
- Hugh Trevor-Roper - 17th century; Nazi Germany
- Retha Warnicke (born 1939) - Tudor history and gender issues
- C, V. Veronica Wedgwood (1910-1997) - Glorious Revolution
France, history
- Keith M. Baker - Revolution
- Marc Bloch (1886-1944) - Medieval
- David Chandler - Napoleon
- Alfred Cobban - Revolution
- Natalie Zemon Davis - early modern
- William Doyle - Revolution
- Georges Duby (1924-1996) - Medieval
- Lucien Febvre (1878-1956) - geography
- François Furet - Revolution
- Pierre Goubert - 18th century
- Alistair Horne - modern military
- Georges Lefebvre - Revolution
- Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie - peasantry
- Roland Mousnier - early modern
- Robert R. Palmer - Revolution
- Robert O. Paxton - Vichy
- Jacques Revel
- Eugen Weber - modern
- John B. Wolf (1907-???) 18th century
- Gordon Wright (1912-2000) - 20th century
Annales School
Germany, history
- Gisela Bock
- Alan Bullock
- Karl Dietrich Bracher
- Martin Broszat
- Thomas Carlyle (1795–1881 - Friedrich der Grosse (the Great)
- Gordon A. Craig
- Richard J. Evans
- Joachim Fest
- Fritz Fischer
- Klaus Hildebrand
- Andreas Hillgruber
- Heinz Zollin Hohne
- Eberhard Jäckel
- Ian Kershaw
- Klemens von Klemperer
- Claudia Koonz
- Timothy Mason
- Friedrich Meinecke
- Hans Mommsen
- Wolfgang Mommsen
- George Mosse
- Ernst Nolte'
- Steven Ozment
- Detlev Peukert
- Gerhard Ritter
- Hans Rothfels
- Louis Leo Snyder
- Fritz Stern
- Michael Sturmer
- Hans-Ulrich Wehler
- Heinrich von Treitschke
- A.J.P. Taylor
- Hugh Trevor-Roper (1914-2003) - British historian and peer who specialized on Nazi leadership and incorrectly verified the authenticity of The Hitler Diaries
- Henry Ashby Turner
- Robert Waite
- John Wheeler-Bennett
- Michael Wolffsohn
- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
- Rainer Zitelmann
Ireland, history
- Brian Farrell (born 1929) - political
Italy, history
- Norman Davies (1939-) - modern Polish history.
- Franciszek Bujak (1875-1953)
- Jan Rutkowski (1886-1949),
Russia, history
- Nicholas Bethell
- Robert Conquest 20c
- Leopold Labedz
- Roy Medvedev Stalin
- Richard Pipes - 20c
- William Taubman - Nikita Khrushchev
History of Slovenia
- Bogo Grafenauer (1916--1995)
History of Spain
- Ida Altman - Early modern
- Maria Luisa Ávila-Muslim Spain, Women
- Robert I. Burns -Medieval
- Brian A Catlos -Muslim Spain
- Roger Collins Muslim Spain
- Olivia Remie Constable,- Medieval History
- Hipólito Escolar - printing
- Pierre Guichard - Muslim Spain]]
- S.I Imamuddin Muslim Spain]]
- Manuela Marin- Women
- Julian Ribera y Tarragó
- Samuel Miklos Stern
- Roi Medvedev - Stalin biographer
History of Yugoslavia
The Middle East
- Ibn Khaldun
- Ibn al-Tiqtaqa (b. circa 1262) Shi'i historian wrote Al-Fakhīr
- ‘Ala’ al-Din ‘Ata Malik Juvayni (1226-1283) Ta’rīkh-I-Jahān Gushā (‘A History of the World-Conqueror Chingis Khān)
- Rashid al-Din (circa 1247-1318) Jāmi‛-al-Tawārīkh (‘A Comprehensive Collection of Histories'), Ta’rīkh–i-Ghāzānī - a history of the Mongols and Turks
- George Antonius (1891-1941) - Arab nationalism
- Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb (1895-1971)
- Bernard Lewis - the Middle East
- Albert Hourani
- Walid Khalidi Palestinian historian
- Michael Oren
- David Pryce-Jones
- D. S. Margoliouth
- Caroline Finkel
- Rex Sean O'Fahey
- Knut Vikør
- Anders Bjørkelo
China, history
- Sima Qian - Compiled Records of the Grand Historian
- Fairbank, John King
- Goldman, Merle
- Gernet, Jacques,
- Hsü, Immanuel Chung-yueh
- Huang, Ray
- MacFarquhar, Roderick
- Michael, Franz
- Mote, Frederick W.
- Needham, Joseph
- Schwartz, Benjamin
- Spence, Jonathan D.
- Studies of Modern Chinese History: Reviews and Historiographical Essays
History of Korea
- Bruce Cumings - modern Korea
- Il-yeon
- Kim Bu-sik - early annalist
- Kim Dae-Mun
- Lee Ki-baek - (1924-2004)
- Suh Dae-sook - Korean War and North Korea
- Yu Deuk-gong - Balhae
History of India
- A. L. Basham
- Urvashi Butalia
- Nicholas Dirks
- Ranajit Guha
- Ayesha Jalal
- John Keay
- Christian Lassen
- Sumit Sarkar
- Tanika Sarkar
- Percival Spear
- Romila Thapar
- Bipin Chandra
Japan, history
Australia, history
- Ahlstron, Sydney, American religion
- Eusebius of Caesarea (275–339) - "Father of Church history"
- Alexander Campbell Cheyne, Scottish Ecclesiastical Historian
- Latourette, Kenneth Scott
- John Gilmary Shea (1824-1892) Father of American Catholic History
- Johann Lorenz Von Mosheim (1694-1755)
- Leonard J. Arrington - 1975-1982
- Fawn M. Brodie]]
- Shipps, Jan
The Papacy
- Ludwig von Pastor, wrote 40 volume history of the popes
- Yehuda Bauer
- Martin Broszat
- Christopher Browning
- Lucy Dawidowicz
- Norman Finkelstein
- Henry Friedlander
- Saul Friedländer
- Daniel Goldhagen
- Raul Hilberg
- Michael Marrus
- Hans Mommsen
- R. J. Rummel
- Eugene D. Genovese - Marxist historian of southern US history and slavery
- Ranajit Guha - Indian marxist historian
- Christopher Hill - 17th century England.
- Eric Hobsbawm - Marxist historian of the modern world.
- Timothy Wright Mason - Marxist historian who worked on the history of National Socialism and the German working-class.
- Maxime Rodinson Islam
- Sumit Sarkar Indian marxist historian
- E. P. Thompson, British
Art history
- Nicholas Pevsner (1903–1983) History of art and English architecture
- Josef Strzygowski (born 1862) - Architectural history
Economic history
- Niall Ferguson, 19th-20th century
- Robert Fogel US slavery; health
- David S. Landes, Europe
- W. W. Rostow, industrialization
- R. H. Tawney, Industrial Revolution
- John Earl Haynes, American historian of Communist espionage
- David Kahn, historian of codes
- Victor Suvorov
- Nigel West
Maritime history
- Robert G. Albion
- Howard I. Chapelle
- John Hattendorf
- Samuel Eliot Morison, Pulitzer prize winner
Military History
- Correlli Barnett - British
- Terry Copp - Canadian
- Martin van Creveld - Israeli
- Jack Granatstein - Canadian
- Victor Davis Hanson - American classicist
- Richard Holmes - British
- Alistair Horne - British historian of French military history.
- Michael Howard -
- John Keegan (born 1934, English)
- Basil Liddell Hart (1895–1970)
- Edward Luttwak (born 1942)
- Alfred Thayer Mahan, American theorist of sea power
- S. L. A. Marshall - American military historian.
- Samuel Eliot Morison (1887-1976) - World War II, Columbus, Jones
- Peter Paret
- Gordon Prange - World War II
- Gerhard Ritter - German
- Hew Strachan - World War I.
- Gerhard Weinberg - World War II
- Marc Bloch
- Fernand Braudel
- Herbert Butterfield
- Edward H. Carr
- R. G. Collingwood
- Geoffrey Elton
- Richard J. Evans
- Pieter Geyl
- J. H. Hexter
- Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
- Leopold von Ranke
- Hayden White
- Reinhardt Koselleck
- John Boswell (1947-1994, American) - Homosexuality in medieval times
- George Mosse
- Retha Warnicke (born 1939) - Gender issues
History of ideas
- Arthur Lovejoy(1873-1962)
- Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997
- J. C. D. Clark, 18th century Britain
- Michel Foucault (1926 - 1984)
- Peter Gay (1923- ) Enlightenment; 20th century
History of business
History of international relations
- Harry Elmer Barnes, World wars; revisionist (denied German Guilt in 1914)
- Herbert Butterfield
- Gordon A. Craig, Germany
- John Lewis Gaddis, Cold War.
- Klaus Hildebrand
- Andreas Hillgruber
- Paul Kennedy, British historian now at Yale, author of influential "The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers"
- William L. Langer, (1896]]-1977)
- Eduard Mark
- Arno J. Mayer
- W.N. Medlicott
- Lewis Bernstein Namier
- Paul W. Schroeder, 19c Europe
- A.J.P. Taylor (1906-1990) - Europe and England
- Harold Temperley, (1879-1939), British editor of "British Documents on the Originis of the War, 1898-1914"
- Odd Arne Westad - Professor at the London School of Economics
- Ernest Llewellyn Woodward, (1890-1971)
History of science and technology
- Peter Galison, physics, philosophy, objectivity
- John L. Heilbron, physics, quantification, astronomy, religion and science
- Richard L. Hills, technology
- Thomas P. Hughes, technology
- Evelyn Fox Keller, science and gender, biology
- Melvin Kranzberg, technology
- Daniel J. Kevles, science and politics, physics, biology, eugenics
- Thomas Kuhn, astronomy, historiography
- David F. Noble, industrial development
- Abraham Pais, physics; Einstein
- A. I. Sabra, optics, Islamic science
- George Sarton, medieval
World history
- William McNeill (born 1917) American;
- Jackson J. Spielvogel - Pennsylvania State University, author of several major world history textbooks
- Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975) A Study of History
- Immanuel Wallerstein
- Ahlstron, Sydney, American religion
- Eusebius of Caesarea (~275–339) - "Father of Church history"
- Alexander Campbell Cheyne, Scottish Ecclesiastical Historian
- Latourette, Kenneth Scott
- John Gilmary Shea (1824-1892) Father of American Catholic History
- Barbara Thiering (1930- ) Rediscovered the "Pesher technique"
- Johann Lorenz Von Mosheim (1694-1755) - Lutheran historian of Christianity from its inception through the 18th century
- Leonard J. Arrington - 1975-1982
- B.H. Roberts
- Fawn M. Brodie
- Shipps, Jan
The Papacy
- Ludwig von Pastor, wrote 40 volume history of the popes