The New Atlantis
The New Atlantis is a utopian fantasy by Francis Bacon (1561-1626) set in the fictitious country of Bensalem located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The society of this land is characterized by Christian laws and ethics and, most importantly for the long-term significance of the work, the establishment of a special institution, Solomon's House, dedicated to intellectual and scientific pursuits. The description of this establishment, which can be likened to a prototype of the modern research institute, has been credited with being one of the significant influences leading to the founding of the Royal Society later in the 17th century.
A group of European voyageurs, setting sail across the Pacific Ocean, are blown off course, eventually arriving at a hitherto unknown (to Europeans) land. The land proves to be inhabited by a Christian people familiar with European languages. After receiving the voyageurs word that they too were Christian, the inhabitants administer an oath to them and, taking due care to prevent the spread of any infectious illnesses, permit them to land.
Once on land, the travellors are domiciled in Strangers' House, where they are hospitably hosted and their sick cared for. After three days allotted for rest, during which time they are observed with a view to ascertaining their manners and character, the guests are visited by the director of the House, a Christian priest, who informs them concerning the conditions of their stay. All of the guests are deeply impressed by the virtue and generosity of their hosts ("saying amongst ourselves that we were come unto a land of angels" as the narrator expressed it).
The next day the director returned for a friendly visit. He informed the travellors that they were landed on the island of Bensalem and that the island's inhabitants were well acquainted with the rest of the world, but that, for a variety of reasons, the contrary was not the case. He then invited the visitors to ask questions of him.
Their first question concerned how the islanders came to be evangelized. Their host replied that the Apostle Bartholomew, in obedience to an angel of the Lord, had set a cedar chest adrift in the sea and that this chest, through miraculous divine guidance, had come to their island. The chest contained the complete books of the Old and New Testaments, including those yet to be written at the time Bartholomew set it adrift.
After a break, the visit continued with the guests inquiring as to how it came about that their hosts were so well acquainted with the rest of the world but how the contrary was not the case. Their host then related that, at a time in the distant past, intercourse among all the nations of the world had been much greater than at present; that there came a decline, on the part of other nations, in navigation, and in some places, civilization generally, thus accounting for the absence of knowledge on the part of the outside world; but that his land (Bensalem) had escaped this decline.
It was explained further that, long in the past, his country had been ruled by a wise king who set forth rules governing the hospitable treatment of such foreigners as might happen to come upon the island. Such inadvertant visitors were to be permitted to stay, or to return, according to thier wishes. In the event, almost all had chosen to stay and, those few returning, should they give report of their adventures, were unlikely to be believed. Thus the knowledge of Bensalem was preserved from outsiders.
As to the second part of their inquiry, this same king forbid their own citizens from leaving the land to visit other countries, with the exception of expeditions set forth periodically to collect knowledge and information about the rest of the world. And this explains how they remained informed about other countries. These expeditions were under the direction of an institution set up by that same king for the study of "the works and creatures of God". Called Solomon's House, it was said to be "the very eye of this kingdon".