Theoretical biology/Addendum

Biologists' comments on the province of theoretical biology
Professor Richard Gordon, President of the Canadian Society for Theoretical Biology, writes:
The theoretical biologist delves deeply into all the data available, comes up with unexpected relationships, tries to quantify them using all the tools of reason (math, logic, computers, etc.), and makes specific predictions about the outcome of future experiments and observations. Sometimes a critical experiment would never have been done without the inspiration of your theory in the first place.[1]
Biophysicist and mathematical biologist Marc Mangel,[2] in his 2006 book The Theoretical Biologist’s Toolbox,[3] elaborates on Professor Gordon's brief description of theoretical biology:
Theoretical biology begins with the natural world, which we want to understand. By thinking about observations of the world, we begin to conceive an idea about how it works. This is theory, and may already lead to predictions, which can then flow back into our observations ot the world. The idea about how the world works can also be formalized using mathematical models that describe appropriate variables and processes. The analysis of such models then provides another level of predictions which we can take back to the world (from which new observations may flow). In some cases, analysis may be insufficient and we choose to implement our models using computers through programming (software engineering). These programs then provide another level of prediction, which can also flow back to the models or to the natural world. [3]
In describing their research program, the Biospheric Theory and Modeling group[4] of the Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie[5] highlight many of the main approaches and advantages of theoretical biology:
Our research aims to identify the general organizing principles of the biosphere in order to better understand and predict its interactions with biogeochemical cycles and the climate system….Our view of biospheric theory….is that the development of theory goes hand in hand with observations, which serve as a reality check for the theory, as well as inspiration for more precise research questions. The precise research questions in return can be used to streamline the experiments and measurement campaigns to allow new insights. As the theory develops, models become helpful for understanding the implications of the theory and for rejecting unrealistic assumptions or formulating new research questions. Conceptual models are particularly helpful for determining similarities or incompatibilities between different theories. Emergence-based models are useful for linking small-scale processes with large-scale effects, while Optimality-based models are useful for making reproducible predictions directly at the scale of interest.... Theoretical concepts help us to formulate hypotheses how the biosphere should function and respond to change. We work on several concepts, such as optimality, multiple steady states, and pattern formation.[4]
In summary, observational checks of theory, inspiring more precise questions, leading to better experiments, with modeling to test assumptions, leading to new questions and revised theories: a systems biology approach. Most biologists will recognize themselves as theoretical biologists on some level and at some times.
In their 2003 book on the organization of organismal form, Gerd B. Müller and Stuart A. Newman[6] stress the breadth of the field and its applicability beyond mathematical biology:
Theoretical biology is firmly rooted in the experimental biology movement of early twentieth-century Vienna. Paul Weiss and Ludwig von Bertalanffy were among the first to use the term theoretical biology in a modern scientific context. In their understanding the subject was not limited to mathematical formalization, as is often the case today, but extended to the general theoretical foundations of biology. Their synthetic endeavors aimed at connecting the laws underlying the organization, metabolism, development, and evolution of organisms….A successful integrative theoretical biology must encompass not only genetic, developmental, and evolutionary components, the major connective concepts in modem biology, but also relevant aspects of computational biology, semiotics, and cognition, and should have continuities with a modern philosophy of the sciences of natural systems.[6]
In describing the aims of the Dutch journal of theoretical biology, Acta Biotheoretica, Thomas A. C. Reydon and Lia Hemerik[7] illustrate the Dutch perspective on theoretical biology:
In this understanding, theoretical biology is seen as encompassing the entire spectrum of theoretical investigation of the living world, ranging from philosophy of biology to mathematical biology. Consequently, the process of biological theory formation in the journal is allowed to range from purely verbal argumentation to the mathematical analysis of biological theory.[7]
One can appreciate to some extent the broad range of topic categories published by theoretical biologists in Acta Biotheoretica from the Table of Contents shown in the cited reference to the Current Themes book by Reydon and Hemerik.[7]. As theoretical biology transcends national boundaries, those topic categories qualify as representative of the field.
References and notes cited in text
Many citations to articles listed here include links to full-text — in font-color blue. Accessing full-text may require personal or institutional subscription to the source. Nevertheless, many do offer free full-text, and if not, usually offer text or links that show the abstracts of the articles. Links to books variously may open to full-text, or to the publishers' description of the book with or without downloadable selected chapters, reviews, and table of contents. Books with links to Google Books often offer extensive previews of the books' text. |
- ↑ Careers in Theoretical Biology.
- ↑ Marc Mangel's Biography
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Mangel M. (2006) The Theoretical Biologist's Toolbox: Quantitative Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521830451, ISBN 9780521830454.
- Book description: Mathematical modelling is widely used in ecology and evolutionary biology and it is a topic that many biologists find difficult to grasp. In this new textbook Marc Mangel provides a no-nonsense introduction to the skills needed to understand the principles of theoretical and mathematical biology. Fundamental theories and applications are introduced using numerous examples from current biological research, complete with illustrations to highlight key points. Exercises are also included throughout the text to show how theory can be applied and to test knowledge gained so far. Suitable for advanced undergraduate courses in theoretical and mathematical biology, this book forms an essential resource for anyone wanting to gain an understanding of theoretical ecology and evolution.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Biospheric Theory and Modeling
- ↑ Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Müller GB, Newman SA (2003) Origination of Organismal Form: Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology. MIT Press. ISBN 0262134195, ISBN 9780262134194.
- Book description: The field of evolutionary biology arose from the desire to understand the origin and diversity of biological forms. In recent years, however, evolutionary genetics, with its focus on the modification and inheritance of presumed genetic programs, has all but overwhelmed other aspects of evolutionary biology. This has led to the neglect of the study of the generative origins of biological form. Drawing on work from developmental biology, paleontology, developmental and population genetics, cancer research, physics, and theoretical biology, this book explores the multiple factors responsible for the origination of biological form. It examines the essential problems of morphological evolution--why, for example, the basic body plans of nearly all metazoans arose within a relatively short time span, why similar morphological design motifs appear in phylogenetically independent lineages, and how new structural elements are added to the body plan of a given phylogenetic lineage. It also examines discordances between genetic and phenotypic change, the physical determinants of morphogenesis, and the role of epigenetic processes in evolution. The book discusses these and other topics within the framework of evolutionary developmental biology, a new research agenda that concerns the interaction of development and evolution in the generation of biological form. By placing epigenetic processes, rather than gene sequence and gene expression changes, at the center of morphological origination, this book points the way to a more comprehensive theory of evolution.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Reydon TAC, Hemerik L. (2005) Current Themes in Theoretical Biology: A Dutch Perspective. Springer. ISBN 1402029012, ISBN 9781402029011.
- Table of contents:
- The History of Acta Biotheoretica and the Nature of Theoretical Biology; Thomas A.C. Reydon, Piet Dullemeijer and Lia Hemerik
- Images of the Genome: From Public Debates to Biology, and Back, and Forth; Cor van der Weele
- The Functional Perspective of Organismal Biology; Arno Wouters
- Infectious Biology: Curse or Blessing? Reflections on Biology in Other Disciplines, with a Case Study of Migraine; Wim J. van der Steen
- The Composite Species Concept: A Rigorous Basis for Cladistic Practice; D.J. Kornet and James W. McAllister
- The Wonderful Crucible of Life’s Creation: An Essay on Contingency versus Inevitability of Phylogenetic Development; R. Hengeveld
- The Symbiontic Nature of Metabolic Evolution; S.A.L.M. Kooijman and R. Hengeveld
- The Founder and Allee Effects in the Patch Occupancy Metapopulation Model; Rampal S. Etienne and Lia Hemerik
- Balancing Statistics and Ecology: Lumping Experimental Data for Model Selection; Nelly van der Hoeven, Lia Hemerik and Patrick A. Jansen
- Resilience and Persistence in the Context of Stochastic Population Models; Johan Grasman, Onno A. van Herwaarden and Thomas J. Hagenaars
- Evolution of Specialization and Ecological Character Displacement: Metabolic Plasticity Matters; Martijn Egas.