
Acetone, is an aprotic solvent widely in organic chemistry reactions. Because it has a high dipole moment it can be used for organic reactions in which ionic reagants are use or in which ionic reaction intermediates are produced. Nucleophilic reactions procede faster in acetone, compared to alcohols, because anions are less well solvated.
physical properties
Acetone, chemical formula CH3C(=O)CH3, is a planar, highly polar molecule with a large dipole ( = 2.88) and large dielectric constant ( = 20.7). The presence of a central carbonyl group, with only one carbon on each side, makes it the smallest ketone. Its high dielectric constant means that it can separate ionic charges fairly well. Acetone has a very high vapor pressure, is flammable and boils at 56.5 Celcius. Although acetone has two possible forms, the keto- and the enol-forms (see figure), the keto- form is greatly favored for acetone.
acid-base features
The oxygen atom of acetone has two lone electron pairs that can be shared with Lewis acids, and thus is a Lewis base. Lewis acids such as AlCl3 or BF3 can form complexes with acetone in which the metal atom shares some of the oygen atoms electron pairs. The resulting partial positive charge on the carbonyl oxygen atom is stabilized by a resonance structure in which the carbonyl double bond becomes a single bond and donates electrons to the oxygen. As a result, the carbonyl carbon atom becomes partially charged and becomes more electrophilic. Protonation of the carbonyl oxygen also enhances the electrophility in a similar manner.
Acetone can also function as a very weak acid, with a pKa of 19. When a base removes one proton from either of the non-carbonyl carbons of acetone, a carbanion is produced in which one of the carbon has a negative charge. This structure has an resonance from, an enolate ion, in which a double bond is formed between this negative carbon and the carbonyl carbon, the C-O bond becomes a single bond, and the negative charge is placed on the oxygen atom. This is the deprotonated enol form.
Carbon-carbon bond formation
Ketones can be used in aldol condensation reactions, although they are less reactive than aldehydes in this regard. Aldol condensation reactions occur when the carbanion carbon of an enolate reacts with the carbonyl carbon of a ketone or aldehyde, forming a new carbon-carbon bond. Acetone can react with itself, to produce the ,-unsaturated ketone 4-methyl-3-penten-2-one, or with other carbonyl compounds.
Organometallic reagents, such a Grignard reagents or organolithium reagents, can also be used as nucleophiles to react with acetone. For example, R3C-MgBr, a Grignard reagent, can react with acetone to produce the tertiary alcohol R3C-C(OH)(CH3)2. The formation of new carbon-carbon bonds in such a manner is critical to the synthesis of many complex organic molecules.