Censorship is the act of preventing or the controlled revision of specifically defined ideals, concepts, images, or messages from being available to a given population. Strictly speaking, and in its original usage, censorship refers to the control of information by governments. Sometimes, however, non-governmental entities are said to practice censorship. Censorship is sometimes said to be employed by corporations in order to shape public perception. Legal means such as Non-Disclosure Agreements, information security classification (Top Secret, Secret, Classified, For Official Use Only), and contract stipulation can provide legal ramifications for violating terms of agreement that specify what can or cannot be said.
The prominence of censorship can be always debated depending on the position, viewpoint, and motivation of the parties involved in the dispute. It may be difficult to prove censorship claims as evidence supporting this position is usually a pre-requisite. But what if the evidence itself is censored? This makes a claim even more difficult to prove. Such cases are highly ambiguous, and would most likely warrant an investigation to prove any element of wrong-doing.
Censorship as a necessity
In some situations, organizations, governments, or individuals self-task themselves with promoting "appropriate social norms" by seeking to instill censorship. This kind of censorship may be sanctioned or agreed upon by the majority of that society. Those societies that adhere to those specific social norms often work to root out self-defined "societal obscenities": pornography, or violence-infused media for example.
In Florida, an attorney by the name of Jack Thompson started a public advocacy campaign in 1997 against violence in video games in order to promote censoring of the kinds of content depicted in them for youths. Nationwide in the 1970s and 1980s, Lawrence Flynt became a target of public censorship and prosecution by religious and moral groups for the production of his well-known magazine in the 1970s and 1980s.
On a much larger scale, governments may perceive that the use of censorship provides a long term benefit, or accomplishment of a political objective. For example, the "great firewall" that is run by the Chinese government, is a means to control the influence of outside politics from entering the country through media and information channels, such as the internet. In this way, there is a minimization of democratic influence that can be disseminated. However, political dissidents do exist and are pursued and persecuted for being so.
Similarly, corporate censorship may work to acheive similar goals as governments; the motivation is to maintain a certain commercial image or perspective both within and outside of the company. A change in the image could have dramatic effects on its immediate and distinct value(s), resulting in a negative perception of the corporation.